10 - #SecretsMakeYouGoCrazy (1)

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Chad scratched his head as he sat up on his bed and turned so his feet touched the floor. He stretched slowly and walked to his bathroom. He splashed water on his face and then yawned before getting into the shower and taking a hot shower. He walked out and wrapped a towel around his waist and one around his hair. He stood in front of the mirror and brushed his teeth then put in his dark blue contacts. 

He walked out of his bathroom to hear the shouts of his father and mother. He smiled as there was only one thing that would make his mother yell back at his father and his father would allow it.

Ariana was back.

He went down the steps, taking them two per step before landing on the ground floor and heading into the living room kept for outsiders. When he entered, still in his towels, Chad scanned the room. His father was dressed in his daily black and blue suit and was standing on one side of a coffee table and his mother stood on the other side in a dress with butterfly sleeves that swung to the ground (both the sleeves and the dress.). And seated (or laid down) on the couch behind them both while holding a remote and controlling the TV as if his parents weren't there, was his sister, Ariana.

"Ari!" He yelled and she stood up and tucked him in a bear hug.

"Chad! My lil bro!" She pushed him back : "Let's take a look at you. Oh, you haven't changed a day! You still look 14!"

"Well, I'm 16 so..."

"Shut up, smart mouth. Is that the way to greet your sister after all these years!"

"I can't believe you're here! What brought you back?"

"I heard about you punching dad and I knew I had to find out first hand. Did you guys really have a massive fight on camera?"

"Na, dad was just being a dick... as usual."

"True story bro, tell me another one." They laughed.

"Chad, take your sister up and do something that doesn't involve her doing anything. Ariana. You're leaving this house today. Understand me?"

"Whatever." She sighed and they both walked upstairs : "So what made you come rushing down in your towel all wet?"

"I heard mum and dad yelling at each other and I said to myself - Ariana's here."

"Omg. Do they still pretend as if I'm not real?"

"Yes. Well dad does. Mum's fine with you. Do you know that dad told the public he's got only one kid and I'm not allowed to tell anyone about you?"

"No, but it seems like something he would do." They laughed as they entered the TV room and Ariana settled on the couch.

Chad looked at his sister. There was really nothing wrong with her. She had the blue eyes his parents had wanted him to have but failed to genetically pass to him and the face that was perfect without makeup and cosmetic surgery. But she had crossed his fathers line.

She was... overweight.

Almost close to obesity.

And that was one thing Chad's father couldn't tolerate. Chad had once been anorexic and his father had just simply said : "At least you will die with the ability to wear whatever you want to without having it modified."

"Jeez, I'm tired already?" Ariana puffed : "I've probably evolved to a rolling ball of fat by now."

"What? No." Chad smiled at her : "You look perfect..."

She raised her eyebrows at him.


"Oh Chad. Can I let you in on a secret?"

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