15 - #ClassicHorrorStoryMoment

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Someone was pouring water on his face.

"Stop! I'm awake!" Chad spluttered, trying to move his head but to no avail.

Someone had glued him to a chair.

He blinked, clearing his sight. He was in a really dark room and he could barely make out anything. Just the shapes of some tables in a corner and the dull outline of the figure in front of him. He tried to look down at himself but he couldn't move his neck. Come to think of it, he couldn't move any part of his body.

An ominous light came to the corner of his eyesight and he realized it was a door opening.

"He is awake." A gruff voice came from the person in front of him.

"Thank you. Leave us." A smoother, more dignified, and a voice with greater power spoke. "And turn on the light on your way out."

Not long after, the room was flooded with such bright light, Chad was forced to squint before his eyes slowly got accustomed to the change in visible light. 

In front of him, a man stood dressed in a suit, and a silk tie. The man's face was vaguely familiar but he couldn't place it.

"Good afternoon Chad, do you know who I am?" The man spoke, straightening out his jacket.

Chad tried to shake his head but to no avail so instead he grunted out : "No." 

"My name is Vincent Mortimer. Do you know where you are?" 


"Do you know what has happened to you?"

You found a way to sever my head and glue me to a chair, he thought but instead said : "No."

"You have been injected with a serum that causes numbness in the entire body, the effects of the serum should be weakening about..." the man looked down at his expensive watch. "Now."

And sure enough, Chad could feel the tingling at the tip of his fingers as the man spoke.

"Too bad I don't want you to be able to move." The man got up and produced an injection from his pocket which he jammed into Chad's left arm without any hesitation. "The serum was specially designed by my group of scientists. It disables you so you aren't able to move but makes your nerves work twice as fast so every inch of pain you feel will be intensified and render you dead before your heart stops beating."

Chad began to breathe faster : "What do you want from me?"

"Oh Chaddy. I want nothing from you. Now your father, that's a different case. Did you know that the entire platform Mackenzie Enterprises is built on was developed from all of my ideas that I stupidly shared with your father?"

"That didn't turn out so bad for you now did it?" Chad trained his eyes on the man's suit.

"No. But what's that saying... enough is not enough until you have everything?"

Chad scoffed, or he attempted to scoff.

The man walked to a table behind him that Chad was just noticing. The table was holding a tray of every sharp thing you can think off. Broken glass, knives, scalpels - all the sort.

The man picked up a piece of the glass and headed over to Chad.

Chad's breathing picked up : "You don't have to do this, Vincent."

"Oh, Chad, I'm not going to kill you." The man placed his hand on Chad's chest.

Chad couldn't feel anything but he knew that the man was tracing his biceps. He half hoped the man was extremely gay so that he could offer him something else that wouldn't involve his life being taken. But alas, the fact that he was not was made extremely clear when the man sliced across his abs with the edge of the broken glass.

For the first ten seconds, the pain was so intensified that Chad couldn't find the voice to scream. And then suddenly he could. And could. And could. The man stood back and watched the blood which Chad assumed fell out in buckets, stream down his body and soak his shorts.

The man dropped the broken glass which was clean and walked out of the room, turning off the light and leaving Chad to bleed in darkness until he passed out.


When Chad woke up, he choked on a cold glass of lemonade that was being shoved down his throat. 

He coughed, surprised he was still alive and gulped down the rest of the lemonade, grateful to whomever it was that was giving him this glass. For a moment, he thought to himself, he had been saved.

When the glass was finally empty, it was taken away from him and he got a better view of his surroundings. He also realized he could now move his neck. He was in a room full of mirrors and he almost laughed when he remembered the horror movie that had kept him up all night when he was younger. The cut that had been made across his stomach had been stitched back and patched up.

There was still a stinging pain in his stomach but it was as if it was all over and that was all that mattered.

Then Vincent Mortimer walked into the room and leaned on one of the mirrors.

"You know that they kept crazy people in rooms like this a long time ago as a way to help them not be scared of themselves." The man spoke. "It brought out a certain type of agony."

"Why did you path me up and keep me here?" Chad coughed out.

"To give you hope, my dear Chad."


"So I can take it away from you like your father took it away from me."

Chad couldn't help it. He laughed and laughed, until he got punched across the face and he heard his cheekbone crack. And this time, the pain was so much he couldn't say a word because he didn't have any hope.

He was never getting out of this.

And Chad thought to himself, even if he got out of this, he would still have another person who hated his father come after him again. This endless game of cat and mice would never end, because the world needed one less Suburbs Boy.

The man walked towards him and looked him in the eye : "Not so smart now, are you Suburbs Boy?"

And he opened up the stitches and let the blood flow once again. This time Chad didn't scream. 

Because screaming was just a way people shouted out for help.

And help wasn't coming.

Because Suburbs Boy was going to die here.


And alone.

And even though it was ridiculous, all he could think off at this moment was... #ClassicHorrorStoryMoment

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