6 - #ChadForPresident2020

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Suburbs Boy sat in front of his computer and sighed. He had tried, without success, to login to his twitter official account. Someone had hacked into it again.
He reopened the login page and logged into his anonymous account and on the search bar, he typed : '#CryBaby'. The results made him smile. As far as he could remember, twitter had changed a lot. The last time he logged in, he was almost sure that there was a favorite button which was shaped like a star not a like button shaped like a heart. As he scrolled down the results, he saw that the most recent tweets contained tweets from TrishaClaudette with an official account tick next to it.

'LittleBodyBigHeart #CryBaby'

'Can't wait for tomorrow #CryBaby'

'There's someone whose Training Wheels I want to take off. #CryBaby'

'Can't wait 'till I see you again #CryBaby'

Chad smiled and closed his laptop. He leaned back on his desk chair and smiled again. He turned on his smart tv and his laptop screen showed up and he closed the twitter website. He opened Youtube and started playing music. Instead of listening to his daily Melanie or Sia, Suburbs Boy felt obliged to play out Tyler, The Creator on his crystal clear speakers which echoed around the house. His mum burst into his room just as he was bouncing on his bed.

"Chad, are you all right?" His mother managed to smile through her bruised and swollen face. She was wearing a loose nightgown and her hair was packed in a messy ponytail.

"I am!" He yelled, for the first time in over 4 years. "I'm better than all right. I'm completely enlightened! Dance with me!"

Chad ran down and took his mothers hand, swinging her around the room, basically just applying some jumping around and freestyle moves that came to his head. He was laughing, his mother was laughing, and it was because of something basic. Something normal. Something that wasn't going to die out soon. Or so he thought.

The music stopped abruptly and his father slammed his way into his room.

"Have you all gone mad?" His father's face was inflated and he just stood watching Chad and his mother, who were both struggling to not laugh. "Aren't you meant to be in school?" That was directed to Chad who immediately picked up his bag and walked out of the now scattered room.

As Chad waited for the chauffeur to bring around the limo, he contemplated on how life would be without his father. Would it change for the better or for the worse?


As Chad walked up the steps to TAFPAWF, he sighed and pasted a fake straight face on his face in order to cloud how excited he was going to be to see Trisha. When he got into the building, he was surprised to see that even though he was early, the corridors were emptier than his future. The first person he saw, who was undoubtedly Nicole, gave him a look and proceeded to walk past him but he held her back.

"Where's everybody?" Suburbs Boy felt like letting this Second World Citizen go so as not to infect his hands but he needed Trisha.

"Why should I tell you?" She crossed her arms and stood in front of him.


"Oh so you know how to say that word? Fine. There's an assembly - a new girl in town."

Chad's heart skipped a beat and he stopped breathing. Suburbs Boy pushed past the Second World Citizen and - almost - ran to the assembly. When he got in there, he pulled out the first seat he could find and sat eagerly, staring at the stage. He could see her clearly from the back of the hall and he could also see clearly that she had put back her red contacts in and her hair was now dyed a shocking red. She looked light she was about to go into a story book. One that featured a really pretty schoolgirl who stood out.

"...and as you return to your classes, I hope you remember to always be nice to your fellow neighbor..." The principal began to dismiss an already half empty assembly.

As Trisha began to descend from the stage, Chad pushed through the crowd to get to her but instead was rewarded with meeting a crowd of girl surrounded around her.

"...that hair color, is it real?"

"...OhMyGoodness are your eyes natural?"

"...You're sitting with me today, right?"

He caught her eye over the crowd and waited for her to give him the okay to intrude and steal her away. Immediately she caught his eye, she looked back at her group and whispered something to them which made them each glance at him in turn and then disperse. When she was finally alone, she walked up to him smiling.

"Hey you." She poked his chest and he jerked, because he didn't expect it.

"What were you talking about with that group?" Chad and her spun around and then they walked out of the assembly.

"Nothing much. They just liked my hair and they were complementing it - something you still haven't done.

"Your hair is the prettiest thing I've seen all my life. Don't you think red is too exotic? It makes you stand out like a brown ostrich."

"ugh. Must you be negative?"

"You remain positive for me don't you?'

"Not really. I remain positive for myself."


"Trisha! Tris! Trish!" Nicole ran up to Trisha and yanked her away, dragging her out of his grip. As soon as Trisha's hands weren't interlocked with him anymore, he felt like he just missed and important part of getting close to her by Nicole.

"If you want to know exactly what we were talking about, we were mentioning how Kanye needs a responsible person to run against him for president to prevent him from taking over the world. Kardashians in the white house? Especially Kim as first lady? Trouble. One of us mentioned how you love to battle and we said we'll start a trend of #ChadForPresident2020." A girl walked up to him and spoke then left asif she had not come in the first place.

Chad For President.

He wondered if he would do well in the office.

Never mind anyways.

They wont pick him to be president because it'll be a ruin.


it's time to find Nicole and Trisha.

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