18 - #HerType

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Hey guys, Tiffany here. I just wanted to apologize for the late update.

I wrote like three chapters and then wattpad decided to give up on me and silly me forgot to save so I had to rewrite. No hard feelings?


Chad opened his eyes and saw white. Was he dead?

He groaned and tried to sit up but hands began to push him down. He thrashed around and tried to fight the hands.

"It's all right Chad. You're safe now." He heard his mothers voice and he calmed down.

He blinked twice and scanned his surroundings. He was in a hospital room of some sort with a tube passing transparent liquid into the back of his hand and there was an operation light beaming into his eyes. He squinted and turned to his left where he found his mother seated in an uncomfortable looking chair with a worried expression on her face as she stared at him.

She was dressed in a light blue suit without a tie. Her makeup was faint and it looked like it had been rushed on in a hurry.

"Where am I?" he grunted, his voice sounding foreign to him.

"You're in the county hospital, Chad. Do you remember what happened to you?"

"Yes." He winced in pain. "Vincent..."

"Yes, your father's nemesis kidnapped you and held you hostage in a shack by the woods. After the video went viral your dad sent in some secret service agents to help rescue you. It's okay now honey." She rubbed his forehead.

"How long have I been passed out?"

"It's been a month Chad. You were in a coma for a month. My baby left me for a month." She started to sob.

"I hope I didn't miss anything."

"You don't remember?"

Chad scrunched his eyebrows.

"It was your birthday Chad." his mother started, "a fortnight ago."

"I'm... 17? I missed graduation. I missed school. Am I going to be held back?" Chad tried to get up.

"No Chad it's okay, you're just gonna have to catch up a lot when you get to college. It's fine. I have your placard at home and everything." She pushed him back down.

"What about dad?" Chad groaned.

"Gerek stayed by your side day and night, even if you don't believe it. He just left last week. Your sister got engaged."

"Ariana got engaged?"

"Yes, and too a handsome one at that. He's healthy. I think he'll do good for her."

"Can I... see him?"

"Sure." she fumbled with her bag, searching the ends of it for her phone and then she brought it out, showing him a photo of a handsome Australian man with his arm around Ariana.

"He's #HerType."

Chad smiled when he thought about how happy his life would be when he settled back in. 

"Don't worry Chad, we'll let out the news of your survival when that lunatic is behind bars." his mother hissed when she saw the look on his face.

"Was he really?" Chad asked and then wondered why he did.

"Was what really?"

"I mean, was he really a lunatic, mother? If everything he told me about dad was true I think he has a valid reason to be angry enough to go to that extent to hurt dad."

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