5 - #CryBaby

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He had to find her. Immediately Chad got down from the stage, he started his search for Chris Otoño. She wasn't in the position. That he had seen her in and when he asked around people claimed not to have noticed anyone with exceptional red eyes.
He sat down at the bar and ordered another round of wine and contemplated. If he found her, what exactly was he going to say - oh sorry I just didn't want you to fan girl. It sounded ridiculous.

"Heard you were looking for someone with red eyes."

When she sat next to him, Chad resisted the urge to jump on her and hug her for giving him another chance. But he didn't. Instead, he looked up and stared into her... brown eyes.
He stared at how different her entire face looked because of the change in her eye colour. She was still extremely beautiful, but now just a different kind of beautiful.

"You look... different." He muttered, at loss for what to say.

"What, you thought my red eyes were real? They're contacts. Obviously."

"Oh." He looked down at his lap.

"So Mac Murray, can you tell me why they call you Chad Mackenzie?"

"Oh boy. Look I'm sorry -"

"It's okay boy. I understand you."

"You do?" He breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Yes. I don't like it when I'm just meeting someone for the first time and they already have their assumptions on me. Since we're coming clear, my name is Trisha Claudette and I am not going to the local high school. I do like Black Veil Brides."

"If you're not going to the local high school, which school are you going to?"

"The Academy for Privileged and Wealthy Faces informally known as TAFPAWF."

"You're going to TAFPAWF?" He felt the blood drain from his face.

"Yes. My cousin, Nicole, goes there. She's told me a whole lot about you Chris Mackenzie."

"I guess that means you're going to want to start running away."

"Not really. I'm going to judge you based on my own perspective not on what someone tells me. You've got a fresh clean start with me."

Even though Chad couldn't realise till now, a fresh start is all he ever needed.

"Thank you."

She smiled at him and patted his knee.

"Anyways Mac - can I call you Mac, it's much more catchy - you know my favourite band, but I don't know yours."

"It'll have to be something like Falling In Reverse or Crown The Empire or Panic! At The Disco. I can't really choose."

"Fair." She nodded. "My favourite singer is Sia. What's yours?"

"It's quite weird."

"You're looking at the queen of weird. Come on, tell me." She smiled at him and pinched his cheeks.

"Melanie Martinez."

"Okay you officially took my position. She's good and all but favourite? No way."

"When listening to her songs, listen to the lyrics. They're so deep and have so much meaning."

"Well if you dont want people to run away from you, don't tell anyone this."

They laughed. They laughed and Chad didn't know if it was realistic to think this but he felt like he had finally found someone that would be perfect for him.
In the moment when they stopped laughing, Trisha looked at him and he leaned in. Soon he could feel the softness of her lips on his and the insides of her mouth - he could taste the leftover vodka taste. He felt like this moment could last forever if not for the flash that went off almost immediately after.
They broke apart and looked around but the reporter was gone.
They looked at each other and laughed.

"Let's take a walk." Suburbs Boy got up and held out his hand for her to take.

"Of course, my dear." She cursed and they both laughed then they left the building.

It was dark when they left the party. They left through the back so they would not be spotted and walked along the sidewalk until they reached the beach. The beach was full of radiation and reflection - a true sight to behold. The water shimmered as it reflected the moons glow and the sand moved around slowly with the cool breeze that enveloped the earth.

"Full moon." Suburbs Boy smiled and pointed upwards and Trisha's eyes followed.

"It's beautiful." She smed and gazed at the moon with a silent longing.

"Just like you." He stared at her face and soon, was staring into her eyes. Her deep brown eyes that seemed to suck him in like quicksand.

They sat cross legged on the beach, Trisha's head on his lap and Chad's hand going through her hair. He stroked her long locks and tu ked the stray strands behind her hair.

"I could sit here forever." She whispered.

"Unfortunately, we don't have that choice. We have to get back now, it's late."

They didn't notice before, but they got so lost in each other that the sky had already turned pitch black and the moon had ran away.
They got up and tried unsuccessfully to clean of the sand particles that stuck to them like glue from sitting on the beach and then walked back to the party.

"Hey, you should check out #CryBaby when you have free time." Trisha whispered in his ear before they walked into the building.

Immediately Chad got to the party, Trisha disappeared. He walked up and down the party looking for her but found his agitated father instead.

"Where is your mother?" He could swear he saw smoke coming out of his father's ears.

"What sid she do? Calm down dad I'll handle it."

"I was going to land a huge deal with Claudette Contractors. They were going to release their newest collection through our company and your drunk mother had to ruin everything."

"Okay. Dad. Go home. I'll get you the deal back and I'll get mom home safely. You need some time to think about this."

"Think about what? I've got nothing on my mind. I just want to have some words that's all."

"Are you boys talking about me?" Chad's mother emerged from the shuffle of bodies, holding a glass of what looked like alcohol.

"Honey, we're going home." His father's face was stern as he partially dragged his mother's limp body out of the party.

He threw her into the car and Suburbs Boy got in beside his mother and she stared at him with eyes full of dread.

That night, as Suburbs Boy lay under the covers, he tried his best but he could still hear the sharp sounds made when skin contacted with skin and the sharp cries that came afterwards. He had half a mind to go down and hit his father again for good measure but he knew the last time he caught him by surprise.
He could hear his father yelling.
He could hear his mother crying.
But all he could think about was what he was going to do tomorrow...
...tomorrow he was going to search up #CryBaby...

... and he was going to love it.

Suburbs Boyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें