Party time

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Ariana's POV

As I got back to my house I sit on the couch and everyone looks at me

"You think he's the one" Alexa asked

"I know he's the one"

"I'm happy that your happy and if he's gonna make you happy then I will welcome him to the family" Frankie says

I laugh and we hang around and I text Ricky

Me: Hey cutie

Mr.Hottie: Hey baby

"Baby" already Damn I love this

Me: Sorry for triggering your friend earlier

Mr.Hottie: Omg I was like freaking out but no words can describe how much I love you, you are the most beautiful person ever inside and out

Me: Ricky your making me blush because I love you too

Mr.Hottie: Hey Moonlight I need to go I'll see you later

Me: OK see ya Hottie


Hmmm...I like it its cute

*Party time*

Me and Alexa get dressed I put on all black and I put on a crop top, a short skirt, a fluffy coat and my black heels

Alexa wears all black with me and the boy's were ready so we get in the car
and go pick up Ricky

As we pull up at his house I text him

Me: We're outside waiting cutie

When I texted him that he came out God he was hot he had on a white tight T-shirt, he had black pants on with converses I get butterflies all in my stomach it was crazy

He opened the door and climbed in the back with me Brian was driving and Frankie and Alexa was sitting in front of us

"Hey guys and gals" He smiles

"Ayyyyyeee Ricky" We all say making him laugh

I crawled onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck

"Why do you look so Damn hot?" I giggle

"Look at you, finest glass of water I've ever seen" He chuckles

"Just date already" Alexa looks back at us

Ricky looks at me I smile and peck his cheek

"Aim for the lips next time Miss. Grande" Alexa says

"You guys need a ship name what about... RICKIANA!!" Alexa jumps up and down

"I'm you guys number one fan Ariana have you told Ricky about your talent"

"No she did not she told me to find out"

Alexa smiles and turns around

We finally arrive at the club and go inside I sit at the bar with Alexa while to boys go dance

"You and Ricky NEED to make it official"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know"

"What if he's just using me"

"He's the sweetest person ever and if he was using you wouldn't he be over here trying to have sex with you"

"Your right Alexa"

She smiles and we drink like there's no tomorrow well at least me

"Woah Ari slow down a bit"

"No why" I began to slur

Ricky walks over with the boys

"Damn Ricky can dance there his no way I can beat him at that game" Skotty says

"Your good bro" Brian says

"Thanks guys" Ricky smiles

"Woah what's wrong with my sister" Frankie sits next to me

"She had too many drinks" Alexa looks at me

"Well I'll drive her home" Frankie says grabbing the keys

"No no no no Frankie let Ricky drive her home" Alexa smirks

"Oh OK I'll call my chauffeur to pick us up afterwards" Frankie smirks handing Ricky the keys and a piece of paper

"You two have fun" Alexa grins

All of a sudden I'm in Ricky's arms and getting carried out of the club

Alexa's POV

This is a test to see if Ricky's a fuck boy or not if he has sex with her tonight that means he took her love for granted and he's a fuck boy if he didn't that means he cares for her and is not a fuck boy

We'll find out the next morning

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