Sex Marks

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Ricky's POV

Waking up I feel sharp pains in my back I hiss at the pain it was terrible I get up and go to the bathroom

When I look in the mirror I see hickeys all over my body, my neck, my chest, a little lower...I chuckle a bit at the sight but when I turned around to my back there was deep claw marks from Ariana

I hiss again they look pretty damn scary I go back in the room and I seen Ariana smiling at me

"Damn baby who you get those marks from?" She asked while giggle

"Oh you know this one freak, she is amazing and so fucking sexy"

"Oh really"

I laugh and I turn around to show her my back

"WHO MADE THOSE" She smirks

"OK this one girl is a crazy ass freak I guess I was hitting it too good that she clawed at my back"

"No but baby you fucked me up, I feel like I can't even walk" She giggles

"You're serious?"

"Yeah in between my legs have major pain but I can walk it off you never seem to disappoint me" She gets up and kisses me

I shower with her and then get dressed

We go downstairs and eat breakfast

"Sup bro" Skott pats my back making me hiss in pain

"What the hell is wrong with you" Skott looks at me confused

"Its nothing"

"Hhhmmn nothing, Hickeys, Ariana walking funny and hisses because of back, YOU TWO HAD SEX LAST NIGHT" His eyes widened

"Shut the hell up Skotty" Ariana laughs

"Hey at least you didn't have to hear moaning all night" Frankie walks downstairs

"RIGHT!" Brian adds

"You all are assholes" Ariana giggles more

Skott then pulls up my shirt from my back revealing all my scars

"GODDAMN" Frankie says

"HOLY SHIT" The twins add

"Those look scary as fuck, you hit it good then Ricky" Brian says making everyone laugh I pull my shirt back down and Then Ariana gets a call

Ariana's POV

I get a call from Scooter

"Hey Ariana your becoming more successful and Zedd gave me the finishing touches for Break Free when I release it do you want it to be one of your next singles?"

"Yeah it's special to me" 

"OK and what about Best Mistake"

"Nah I don't want it as a single"

"OK Cashmere cat is available today and also other great news your music video Problem hit 1 million views over night but there is more now"

"That's amazing I'm sooo grateful thanks Scoot" I hang up the phone

"Baby I meet with Cashmere Cat today"

"And I'm coming"

I giggle he's sooo protective

We say goodbye to everyone Ricky hugs Nonna and mommy then we head out

We got out of the car and we were about to head in the towers but then we heard

"OH MY GOD ITS ARIANA GRANDE" The little girl says attracting other people

Then all that I know is that I'm taking pictures, signing autographs and talking to Fans this was a dream I see Ricky smiling at me

"When are you gonna release a new song I love you soooo much, your soo pretty"

"Thank you so are you and I love you too but pretty soon"

"WE ARE ARIANATORS" She says making everyone cheer

I blow them all kisses and I go inside I look at Ricky and he intertwine my fingers with his we go to the front desk

"Ariana Grande" I say

"Oh I know your back in the studio"

I smile and go to the recording studio I get on my phone and post the photos with my babies outside with the caption

Thanks for visiting me before I had to be stuck in the recording studio all day...😭😱😷😲❤🌙♡

I post it and I get millions of likes in seconds I see that I had millions of followers

When we got in the recording studio I still limp a bit I hug Cashmere and we get to the song well songs because I already had a song Be My Baby I just needed a beat so we recorded Be My Baby and a new song popped in my head

Since me and Ricky had the moment last night I had this song named Adore and I used the exact words he said last night 

So I sung one of the parts he said last night

"After that when you catch your breath you look at me and say Love, are you real"  When I sung that his eyes met mine

I finish that and me and Cashmere hug and he leaves

"Baby did you use-" I cut him off with a kiss

"Yes I did you take my breath away all the time"

He smiles and we go to Scooter's office

"Ariana this is Star your new security guard"

"Hi Star" He puts out his hand I hug him instead

"Sorry I'm a hugger" I giggle making him chuckle

He hand shakes with Ricky and I ask Scooter if I can stay in the Studio today to finish some songs he said yeah and I headed back

I pull out my laptop and sing some finished songs that just need some beats so I go play with the DJ Booth and I made a good beat for Why Try

Ricky helped me with recording we stayed there till the stars was in the sky

When we left I had recorded 6 songs in total Why Try, Only 1, My Everything, You don't know me, Cadillac Song and Too Close

My Everything was special because it was dedicated to my Grandpa I miss him so much but I'm sure he's happy for me

I'm gonna make Only 1 and You don't know me be on the Deluxe edition and Cadillac Song and Too Close will be on the exclusive edition

I smile at Ricky who helped me all this time I jump in his arms and kissed him

"You're amazing" I say between the kiss

"Me? No baby you are" He chuckles

We head home and lay down and wait for the next day I'm pretty sure I'm working Childish Gambino

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