A Full Album?

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Ricky's POV

Waking up to a beautiful sunrise and a beautiful woman in my arms I smile and kiss her neck I get out of bed, I take a shower, brush my teeth and wash my face then I get dressed I put on a black tight shirt, My gray joggers and I slide on my black converses, I throw on a hat and I head out to starbucks to get Ariana something but I went to the store first and bought her a bowl of fruit then I stop by the Starbucks near her house

When I got there I seen Brian and Alexa sitting at a table talking so I go talk to them before I went to go get the drinks

"Hey guys" I sit next to Brian

"Aye what up Rick" Brian says as we hand shake

"Nothing much how are you Alexa"

"I'm good thanks for asking" She smiles

"So what is you guys talking about?"

"Just how happy we are for Ariana I mean she wanted this to happen since she was 6 all she ever did was sing and talk about becoming famous she's getting everything she wanted including true love" Alexa smirks

"Yeah whatever" I doze off the subject thinking of my baby

"You guys are to be honest I never seen her so damn happy you ever think about marrying her" Brian asked

"Woah I'm not ready for that but Mann she's my heart my soul my everything I would never get over her If we ever did break up I don't know how I will live without my sunshine, my noddle, my peeeench, my queen, my princess, my Moonlight, My everything all I could do is think about her everyday no other girl is on my mind but Ariana Grande-Butera and that's the bottom line there may be girls who hit on me but they are nothing compared to Ariana, she's the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life she's beautiful inside and out no matter what anyone says or what she says, and the sex, Mann I'm gonna keep that between me and Ariana but the thing is she's the most beautiful, funny, humble, kind, sweet, lovely and caring woman I've ever seen and I'm just the proudest boyfriend in this world she deserves everything she has now in her life" I say meaning every word

I look up at Alexa and her eyes were watery and she was holding up her phone danm it I think she recorded me and Brian is just smiling

"I've never heard anything like that in my life about my best friend she always complained to me, 'Alexa I will never find the one no one likes my ugly self' I hit her everytime she said that because she's obviously gorgeous and now she found that true love and it's you" She smiles at me

"Well I better go get Ariana her latte" I get up from the table and I started walking to the ordering counter but then Alexa calls my name


"Yeah what's up" I walk back

"Thanks for protecting and making Ariana happy"

"Hey that's my job" I smile then go and order

"1 Soy latte please, size Venti"

He nods and goes to get It I pay and head back to Ariana's house

I set everything down and I take off my hat

"Baby?" I hear a cute voice so I knew it was my Moonlight

"Hey gorgeous I have something for you" I grab the bowl of fruit and her soy latte

"THANKS BABY" She kisses me and sits down with her fruit and drink

I sit next to her and watch tv most of the time kissing her because her lips I can't get enough of they are the sweetest tastes ever

Well second sweetest taste if you know what I mean...

She then gets a call from Scooter

"Hey Scoot"



"Yeah and the video was brilliant that now has more then 1 million views, I need you to head over the crew has something exciting to show you"

"OK I'm gonna go get dressed"

Ariana gets up and kisses me and goes to get dressed

Ariana's POV

I throw on a large light blue sweatshirt, white pants and my uggs I lightly apply a little makeup and I head back downstairs

Everyone wasn't here it was just me and Ricky so we left to the building

When we got there I opened Scooter's office door and everyone was in there with balloons it was like a party

"CONGRATULATIONS ARIANA!!!" They all yell and tears rolled down my face tears of joy just to let you know

"Thank you all" I say and I turn around to face Ricky I hug him and kiss his soft lips

We all celebrate in Scooter's office it was amazing

"Your first full album oh my god I'm so proud of you baby girl" Ricky snuggles me I smile and after the celebration we went home and blasted my album dancing around

Ricky then gets a phone call he's goes in the kitchen

Ricky's POV


"Hey Ricky you need to come home now we are moving back to San Diego and you need to come with us for a couple of months to help us out"

"What!! No I can't do that Ariana's album just dropped and I can't even last a day without her"

"I'm sorry Ricky but you have to"

The call drops

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I put down my phone

How am I suppose to tell Ariana she's gonna hate me

"Hey baby everything good?" I hear her voice but I just face the other way

"Ummm...Ricky talk"

FUCK!! She's gonna be mad at me I can't leave her like this

"Ariana...we need to talk"

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