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Ariana's POV

Waking up super excited I run to Aria's room cuddling her in my arms

"ARIANA FINALLY YOU'RE AWAKE!" Alexa says running in with Ryann

"Woah you two look gorgeous" I see them in their pretty white dresses they smile and start talking

"Your dress is here and Joan and Frankie are at the beach setting up everything Ricky is out with Brian and Skott but we need you in your dress" Ryann said

Alexa picks up Aria and we go to my room

Ryann brought in the big gorgeous white dress and Dalina and Daniel walked in

"BABES!!!!! You two look amazing" I hug them

I soon sit down and Daniel starts my makeup and Dalina plugs up her things because she wants to do my hair after I get my dress on

"I'm trying not to cry" I fan my face as everyone laughs

Daniel then finishes my makeup and Alexa gives Aria to Dalina and Alexa helps me with my dress

Few minutes later

"Everyone the beautiful Ariana Grande" Alexa says as I walk out and everyone cheers

I giggle and Dalina starts on my hair after she curls my hair I put on my diamond jewelry that Nonna gave me

I snap a couple of pictures of Aria in her little cute white dress I then record a video of her

"Who's mommy's little girl" I tickle her as she smiles which was the cutest thing ever

I pick her up and kiss her cheek Ryann holds her so that I can put on my heels

I spray on my Ari perfume and I head outside seeing Star I hug him and get in the limo holding Aria all the way there

"Did someone take her stroller?" I ask

"Yeah Joan brought it and its at the beach" Ryann said

"So Ari when we get there paparazzis will be there but they won't be able to get down where the ceremony is at"

Once we got there I see the paparazzi I take a deep breath and smile

"OK we're gonna have to head to the beach house Ricky is in the other beach house so he won't be able to see you" Ryann said I nod my head and we get out

I cover Aria's eyes and Alexa holds up my dress

"ARIANA! ARIANA!" I hear the paparazzis yell I just smile and keep walking

As we got to the beach house I look down at the ceremony seeing everyone even my crew


Alexa ran down there and Frankie and mom walks in


"Us look at you Ms thang" I snap my fingers and giggle as everyone laughs

"Frankie you look amazing" I say as he smiles

"So do you sis I can't believe you're getting married" He tears up

I hug him and him and Daniel leaves to go where Ricky is

"HEY GIRLY" I hear Liz's voice

"OMG HOTTY" I hug her as I see everyone else

"My lord you all look fantastic"

I hug Sylvia and Matt, Aaron and Avan soon left because it was about to start all my bridesmaids left and I'm only in the room with my dad

"I'm happy for you honey" He kisses my forehead I smile and link arms with him and walk down to the ceremony

I hear the music playing and I began walking looking right at Ricky looking soooo handsome

I smile at Alfredo and look back at Ricky and see him tearing up I smile at him trying not to cry

He soon started to cry and every aww's soon making it up there my dad kissed my hand and I turned to Ricky smiling

He grabs my hands and smiles

"You look beautiful like always"

"Thank you handsome" I giggle and we start

It soon gets to the part where we have to say our vows Ricky starts

"Ariana Grande- Butera ever since I laid my eyes on you all I could think is how did someone create such a beautiful human being I almost passed out when you starting walking up to me we have been through sooooo much but all I ever want to do is protect you and now that we have a child in our life I have two beauties to protect and take care of I've never knew I would've found true love but here it is standing right in front of me I just wanna hurry and put this ring on your finger to call you mine forever"

I felt like crying but I soon got to my vow

"Ricky Alvarez or as I call you my Noodle when ever I'm around you I feel protected and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of you I love you for who you truly are I've never been sooo happy to be with you I love how every morning you wake up either not beside me because you're at Starbucks or getting me fruit or other mornings you wake up and give me sweet morning kisses and other mornings is kept between me and you but I just want you to know I love you soooooo much" I smile and Ricky tears up and lips 'I love you too'

I then put the ring on his finger and he does the same to me

"Ricky Alvarez do you take Ariana Grande- Butera to be you wife to aid and stay with through sickness"

"I do" He smiles

"Ariana Grande- Butera do you take Ricky Alvarez to be you husband to aid and stay with through sickness"

"I do"

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride"

I smile and he pulls me in for a kiss as everyone cheers

Me and the bridesmaids gather together and take pictures and they do the same with Ricky and the best mans

Then me, Ricky, Aria, Ryann, Frankie, Nonna, mom and Sylvia take a picture and we take some more

Ricky holds Aria in his arms I pull out my phone and get on Snapchat to take a picture

Our lips lock and I take the picture putting the caption


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