Home sweet Home

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Ariana's POV

Waking up in my room thinking I should be in the hospital and wondering why my stomach is flat Ricky then walks in with Aria in his arms I smile soo big

"I thought I was in the hospital?"

"We took you home this morning you were just drugged up"

"Oh can I see her" I smile

He hands Aria to me and I smile at her talking a bit to her as Ricky chuckled

"So you ready for tomorrow?" He rubs my thigh

"Yes I can't wait to be a Alvarez" I peck his lips and look back down at Aria

"She's beautiful" I smile

"Just like you" Ricky strokes my hair

I blush then Alexa and Ryann ordered my dress online and it will be here tomorrow

Ryann had the flowers and other decorations, Alexa got the arbor, Alfredo is gonna be the photographer and my mom ordered the cake and the vegan cake and I booked the trip to Bora Bora for our honeymoon

Tomorrow is gonna be a big step in my life but I'm ready for it

"Ariana Alvarez sounds amazing"

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