My beauty

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Ricky's POV

As Ariana poses I smile at her god she's gorgeous

"I shouldn't never dropped my camera in the fucking toilet" Jones laughs

Making Ariana laugh out loud

"Work babygirl" I yell making Ariana blow a kiss at me

The photoshoot last for an hour and then we stop and pick the one Ariana likes then Jones adds words to it in the corner it says

Ariana Grande
Iggy Azalea

Ariana's POV

I smile and group hug everyone

"My mom is gonna freak" I squeal as everyone laughs

"Now all we gotta do is put the picture on the CD and the cover and its all yours Ariana" Jones explains

I sit in the chair and I see Ricky walking up to me with a Starbucks drink in his hand my personal favorite

"Ricky you did not" I smile reaching for the cup

"I did" He picks me up from the chair and sits me on his lap

"Thanks baby you been so patient and helpful" I kiss his lips then look him in his eyes wanting more than that

I set down my Soy lattle and my hands go on the side of his face while his arms wrap around my waist

Deepening the kiss his tongue licks my bottom lip to ask for entrance and I let him and his tongue slides in my mouth as we fought in dominance he won unfortunately I sigh because of all the passion

"Eww get a room you two" Jones says as me and Ricky pull apart

"Here you go Ariana" Jones hands me the finished copy


I grab Ricky's hand and everyone but Scooter came to dinner with us to celebrate Scooter was gonna start selling my song

*During Dinner*

"Its nice to see you again Jones" Mama says

"You too Joan"

Frankie wouldn't stop humming Problem

"Frankie!" I giggle

"I'm sorry its soo catchy"

I then feel hands rub my thigh and I look up at Ricky who is smiling at me

"Stop it" I push his hand back

He then grips my thigh making me jump I giggle a little and he stops

After dinner Ricky went home and I laid in my king size bed all alone I sleep on the side that Ricky sleeps on

"Hmmm...this pillow smells like Ricky I love it" I then fall asleep on that pillow

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