I'm leaving you

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Ariana's POV

When Ricky said we need to talk I was panicking I hope he's not breaking up with me

"Yeah anything" I sit down at the table 

"Well my mom just called me and said she's moving to San Diego and I have to go with.......her"

I think my heart just dropped to where I can't breathe or speak, my vision gets all weird and I lose breathe no not the love of my life he can't leave me

"Ariana? Ariana? Baby" He calls for me 

"Ricky no please" I start to cry 

"Oh baby don't cry I'm not breaking up with you that's a no and never we can still be together in long distance or sometimes you can visit San Diego isn't too far from here" 

"Ricky I would love to visit but I just finished a full album my schedule is gonna be tight"

"Oh well we're gonna be alright"

"But I'm gonna miss your face, your lips, your body goddamnit Ricky"

"Facetime me anytime even if I'm sleep I'm always here for you baby girl It's only for a couple of months"

"Oh ok Ricky I'll wait for you" I force a smile

"Come here" He reaches his arms out to hug me I bury myself in his chest I don't want to leave this position I'm gonna miss this feeling soooooooo bad 

"Do you have to leave now?" I ask 

"Yeah I'm sorry" He starts to cry 

"I'll help you pack" 

We go upstairs and pack the little clothes he kept in my house he puts it all in a bag and we hold hands as we all go back downstairs to tell everyone

"HELLO!! EVERYONE I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY" I shout over the music as I got everyone's attention 

"So we all know my love Ricky, we'll he's leaving with his family for a couple of months so we won't see this fella for a while" My eyes get watery

Everyone hugs Ricky and we say our goodbyes and Ricky walks to the door

"I'm still here for you I love you sooo much no one matters and your the only girl I love so I would never cheat on such a masterpiece"

"I love you more you little Noodle" I smile and we hug when we pull apart I look up at him and my lips meet his moving soo perfectly together I'm gonna miss this that firework feeling inside

"Forever my Moonlight" He grabs my hand and spins me around, he pulls me back in and kisses me

We say goodbye again and he leaves I just go upstairs and sleep because I didn't want to cry anymore laying on the pillow Ricky lays on

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