My second Single

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Maturity in this chapter enjoy

Ariana's POV

I made a wonderful song with Gambino called Break your heart right back  it was fun Brian was making dances, Ricky was eyeballing me down which I loved and the rest is history

I see that Scooter texted me


Me: Are you fucking kidding this is amazing

Scoot: We have a video to shoot today for Break Free give me some ideas

Me: OK well I explore a galaxy far, far away in the futuristic clip, which I want it to be inspired by Barbarella and Star Wars I want to play an intergalactic princess who comes to rescue the planet from the dark side I want to have rocket boobs as a weapon and crush the enemy robots before racing off in a spaceship with Zedd and some extraterrestrial friends.

Scoot: OK I got everything

Locking my phone I look at Ricky who was laying on his stomach with all his scars showing I gotta make them heal

I go grab peroxide, rubbing Alcohol and Cotton balls

"Baby wake up" I say making him smile when he sees me

"We gotta heal those scars so which one Peroxide or Rubbing alcohol?"


I smile and I began to put some peroxide on the cotton ball and I dab all the scars on his back and he hisses in pain

"I'm sorry baby"

"You're OK" He groans, grips the sheets and hisses more

I finally finish and I kiss him

"They should start disappearing in a few but expect more" I wink at him

"Oh Ariana" He smiles big which was cute

I take a shower with Ricky and he looks me down my body, his steaming hot body sweating from the warm shower

"You ever had sex in a shower?" He bites his lip

"No" I move my hair to the other side of my face

"Perfect" He moves closer to me and I instantly get a wet, aching core

He grabs my ass and I moan he pins me to the glass shower wall he kisses me then his hand traveled down my stomach

I shake like crazy and I watch his every move the warm water hits our skin and his hand cups my lady part

"Riiiiickkkyy"  I gasp and look at him, he was still looking down at me and he finally looks up

Feeling his finger slide up in me, I bite my lip and close my eyes as he whispers in my ear turning me on making me even more wet

"Baby your pussy is flooded"  He whispers while still pumping his finger in me adding another one making me moan nonstop

"FUCK...Ricky" I moan

His fingers move faster and I began to moan more and more I love this feeling I reach my high and I was about to cum but Ricky pulled out and stepped out of the shower drying off

"Ricky" I growl

He kisses me and got dressed but I didn't kiss back he lefted me at my edge I was pissed

I got dressed and lefted I didn't talk to Ricky for the rest of the day and people were asking questions

We shoot the video for Break Free and I went to the recording studio with Victoria and Tommy and sung this part Scooter asked me to sing so that he can add people in them
I sung my part for this song Bang Bang, I made another song on the way called One Last Time I recorded them all and I headed home

Everyone was sitting around me and Ricky's eyes meet and I sit next to Brian

"Whats up with you two you haven't talked all day" Skotty says

"Don't tell me that Rickiana broke up" Alexa pouts

"No he knows what he did" I glare at him

Ricky's POV

I have no idea what I did she all of a sudden got mad at me for no reason

"I don't know what I did" I look down I was really upset did the show business get to her I hope not

"Umm...yeah you do before you got out the shower" She rolls her eyes

OH FUCK!!!! I lefted her at her edge I feel bad

"Oh I'm sorry" I say soo seriously

"OK yeah"

"Wait what happened" Brian asked Ariana rushes upstairs and I follow behind her

When I opened the door I seen her taking her shirt off

"Leave me the hell alone Ricky" She pulls her pants down

"How am I suppose to your body is a wonderland"

"Oh it is then why did you leave me at my edge answer that" She gets sassy with me and to be honest it was a turn on

"Well I thought you already had-" She cuts me off

"Ricky you have a huge boner" She tries to hold in a laugh

"Well you are standing in your bra and panties" I cover my boner

"Awww baby I forgive you but I will get my pay back" She winks at me and I walk out and we seen everyone at the door listening

I turn around so no one can see my excited friend then Ariana goes to get dressed in her onesie

We a laugh and enjoy each others company

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