Can't be Real!!

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Ariana's POV

It can't be him

"Ricky?" I whisper in the mic and I cover my mouth

Finally seeing it was him tears came out of my eyes and I ran to him

"RICKY!!" I squeal and ran in his arms as my fans cheer and scream

Crying on his shoulder he whispers in my ear I'm here Moonlight forever

I cry more and he let's me down and I kiss his lips feeling that spark in my body making my fans cheer more Ricky hands me these beautiful flowers

"Thank you soooo much, I missed you" I cry

"I missed you too baby" He puts his hand on the side of my neck and rubs my cheek with his thumb

I hugged him One last time he grabbed the flowers and headed back stage for me to finish the show

Ricky's POV

I head back stage and get attacked with hugs and I see a familiar face and it was my old friend Max

"Hey buddy been a while still looking for that special girl?" I smile

"Nope because I'm traveling the world with her"

"Oooo Tracy, Nekai, Gracie watch your backs" I chuckle making everyone except Max laugh

"Wait...where is my favorite" I say meaning Nonna

"She's in Florida" Frankie says

"Well I'm gonna go chill in Ariana's Dressing room" I grab the flowers

"They don't allow other people in her room"Max says

"Please I'm her boyfriend she'll let me" I smile and follow Brian to her room I put the flowers in a vase Dalina gave me and I decided to go where Frankie, Joan, Ryann, and my mom were but I went in front of the tip of the stage

Ariana's POV

Between songs I kept crying I can't believe he's here I seen his eyes sparkle I'm the front I walk up to him and held his hand and he just smiled and started crying

"Going the a wrong way home I feel like my heart is stuck in bumber to bumber traffic I'm under pressure-" I cried and my fans cheer my name

"I'm sorry" I try to pull myself together I let go of his hand, blew a kiss at him then I started singing again

I cried through previous songs like Why Try and My Everything

When I was dancing during All my love I heard him yell


I just laugh and continued to perform

*After the show*

I ran to my dressing room when I opened the door there he was sitting on the couch I jump on his lap and kiss him like never before possibly adding tongue we pull apart and he wraps his arms around me and we meet eye to eye

"I can't believe this" I giggle as a tear runs down my face

"Believe it and I'm here for good" He rubs my back and I smile and Scooter walks in with two other people

"Oh Ariana this is my mom Sylvia and my sister Ryann" Ricky introduces me I hug them both then Scooter starts to talk

"Ricky would you like to be on the Honeymoon tour crew?" He says and a big smile appears on Ricky's face

"Of course"

"Ok pack up everyone our next stop is in Anaheim" Scooter says as we all get up and head to the bus Ricky says bye to his family and Scooter talks to him about bus A, B, C and D

"Bus A is of course Ariana's the only time you can be on that bus is if she allows you, Bus B is Rixton's bus because their the opening act, Bus C is the big one Bus A is the biggest but Bus C is big because you have the Make up and hair crew with the musicians last but not least Bus D is the dancers bus which is your bus please no oil spotting" He says and Ricky looks confused

"Baby oil spotting is getting left behind"

"Oh ok I'll go put my stuff in my bus" He says

"No you're coming on my bus tonight" I smile and we head to my bus

Ricky puts down his things, sits down and looks around in 'awe' I climb on his lap and look him in his eyes

"You're soooo gorgeous" He kisses my cheek and I pull him in for a deep amazing kiss as his hands roam freely on me and I get chills at his touch we hear the bus start and I let Ricky settle then when he was settled we cuddled till we were in Anaheim

I got him back and I never want him to go

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