The audition

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Ariana's POV

I wake up the next morning and sit up in bed I rub my eyes and realize today is the day I have a chance to become a star

"RICKY, RICKY GET UP TODAY IS THE DAY GET UP GET UP GET UP!!!!" I say jumping on the bed like a five year old

"OK I'm up don't you wanna call your mom about it?" He looks up at me

"Oh yeah!!" I sit down on his body facing him as I wrap my legs around his waist

"Hello?" I hear my adorable mother's voice

"MOMMY IM BECOMING A SINGER!!" I scream in the phone

"Oh my god really how?"

"My boyfriend got me a manager" I smile

"Woah boyfriend? Ariana you have a boyfriend who got you a fucking manager?"

Me and Ricky giggle at my mom's choice in words

"Yes mommy if you come to my house you can meet him and I have a audition at Scooter Braun's house pretty soon"

"Wait thee Scooter Braun?!"

"Yes again" I laugh

"Hold on I'm on my way Nonna is with me too"


"I'll see you soon dear"

My mom hangs up the phone and me and Ricky laugh then get up and get ready

I shower up and I get dressed

Ricky covered his eyes the whole time because he said he wanted to wait for that day

I put on light blue jeans, a fuzzy white crop top and my white Dior heels

My hair stays in the same hairstyle and I brush my teeth and wash my face

I look at Ricky and see that he has on a jean jacket, a white t-shirt, black pants and his white converses looking hot like usual

He throws on a hat then there was a knock at the door he runs downstairs to get it

Ricky's POV

I got the door and I look down seeing an adorable woman wearing all black her eyes remind me of Ariana its probably her mom and next her was another adorable woman probably Ariana's grandmother

"You must be the boyfriend?" She smiles at me

"The boyfriend is me and me is Ricky you must be the mom of the most beautiful woman in the world" I laugh

"The mom of the most beautiful woman in the world is me and me is Joan"

"Nice to meet you Joan" I put out my hand for her to shake she looks at me hand she takes my hand and pulls me in for a hug

"Thank you for making my daughter the happiest"

"And who is this lovely lady" I smile at the other woman

"I'm Ariana's grandmother, Nonna"

"Nice to meet you Nonna" I say as she pulls me in for a hug

"Guess you two got along well" I see my beautiful princess walking down the staircase

"Hey gorgeous" She hugs Joan

"Me gorgeous look at yourself"

"How is my lovely Nonna" Ariana hugs her

"I'm good dear"

"MOMMY!!!!!!!!!! NONNA!!!" Frankie squeals running down the stairs

"My little unicorn" Joan says hugging Frankie so did Nonna

Everyone else comes down stairs and greet each other I then get a call from Scooter

"Hey its Scooter guys" I say as everyone gets quiet

"Hey what's up Scooter"

"Ariana ready for that audition?"

I then ask Ariana

"Are you ready baby" I smile at her

"Yeah I'm sooooo ready"

"Yeah she said she's ready"

"Great I called a limo to come pick you guys up I'll see you all in a bit"


The call ends and we see the limo outside we all go get in the limo and I sit next to Ariana

"Thank you Ricky for my chance to be what I always wanted to be"

"Thank you Ariana for giving me something I always wanted"

"Huh what do you mean what did I give you?"

"True love" I put the strand of her hair behind her ear and Our lips lock together and I get goosebumps I love her kisses I love her

We then arrive at Scooter's house and we see Scooter standing there to greet us

"Its my favorite person in the world, how is your mother" Scooter bro hugs me

"She's good its been a while"

Ariana finally makes it up the stairs and I introduce her to Scooter

"Scooter this is the beautiful and amazingly talented Ariana Grande-Butera"

"Nice to meet you Scooter"

"No nice to meet you Ariana so Ricky is a close friend of yours"

"Umm...No he's my boyfriend" She smiles big at me

"Oh ok who are the rest of these lovely people?"

"This is my mom Joan, my grandmother Nonna, My brother Frankie, My best friend Alexa and my other best friends Brian and Skott" Ariana introduces them

"Nice to meet you all" He shakes all of their hands

"We should start this audition, Shall we?" He invites us all inside

"So...where do I go" Ariana asked

"Right over there" Scooter points at the red piano

Ariana sits down at the piano and smiles

"I'm ready when your ready"

Ariana then starts to sing

"Cause if you want to keep me you gotta gotta gotta got to love me harder" She sings soo beautifully

*After the audition*

"Ariana.....Grande" Scooter stands up

"Uh yeah?"

"Welcome to Republic Records" He hugs her and everyone cheers

Ariana comes to me last

"Oh my god Ricky how can I repay you?" She looks me in the eye

"What about a kiss" I smile

She giggles and our lips lock together while the whole room is in 'awe mostly Alexa

"Ariana meet me downtown tomorrow we got a hit to make"

We then leave and we celebrated at a restaurant to end our day

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