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Ricky's POV

Laying down next to Ariana as she tells me everything that they did to her I was really mad that I wasn't able to hurt them but I'm glad I got her back

"Ricky" She says soo sweetly

"Yes" I turn to her and she then closes the gap between us and our lips move perfect together

We then pull back as we heard the doorbell and I walked downstairs to get it

Opening the door it was Alexa she hugs me and thanks me

"Thank you, thank you, thank you for getting Ariana" She cries

"Its nothing" I chuckle and she ran upstairs to Ariana

I sat on the couch to let the girls talk and then there was a knock on the door opening the door there was Jack

"Hey Rick" He bro hugs me

"Sup Jack"

I close the door as he greets Brian and Skott and he met Joan and Frankie

Then Ariana and Alexa came downstairs

Ariana's POV

As me and Alexa walk downstairs we see this guy and it must've been Jack Alexa then pulls me to the side

"Oh my god who is that?" Alexa asked

"That's Jack" I grin and we walk and I sat on Ricky's lap as Alexa sat next to Jack blushing like crazy I just hold in my laugh

And Jack and Ricky talks about everything that happened and we soon all went to bed Jack stayed here for the night

Ariana laid next to me and told me other things

"So when I was in the jet I made Jai sooooo angry because I kept bringing up your sex" She giggles and I chuckle
"Ariana please don't start I'm trying not to get horny" I laugh

She kisses me and slowly closed her eyes

"I love you Alvarez"

"I love you too Grande"

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