It's amazing

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Ariana's POV

As we all gather in the theater room I sit next to Ricky and Frankie and Brian starts the video we all start cheering

This video was amazing I link hands with Ricky and he smiles at me

When we finished the video we clapped and hugged this is the best I love it

"I FINISHED BEHIND THE SCENE" Jones says and plays it

We watch it and it was hilarious it was when we were on the rooftop and I was with Matt

"HOLY FUCK ARIANA LOOK AT THAT COMET" Jones yells and to be honest it scared the hell out of me

"FUCK YOU JONES" I yelled and everyone laughed

We continued watching and all of a sudden I seen Jones recording Ricky GOD he looked so cute looking around and jumping in excitement

"Hey Rick watcha doin" He asked Ricky

"I'm here to surprise Ariana we been away from each other for a whole day and I already miss her" I smile it was soo cute hearing him say that

"So cute I gotta capture this moment" Jones follows Ricky

Ricky greeted Max who was sitting in the director chair

"Thank God your here Ariana isn't acting normal she needs to see you" He whispers to Ricky making me smile more

He gets up from the chair and Ricky sat down in it

"CUT!!" Max yells

And that's when I seen Ricky and hugged him we watched the rest and we hugged and went to sleep

Ricky tosses me on the bed and crawled up my body I giggle because I didn't want to moan

He kissed my neck and his hand started to slide down he places his hand on leggings down there as my core ached and trobbed

He started rubbing there I just knew he was teasing because his hand never went inside my leggings

"Stooooooooop" I whine

He smiles and his lips move to my ear

"What? I teasing your clit?" He whispers so hotly in my ear making me let out a high pitch moan

"You're doing it right now" I run my hands through his hair he then started tugging on my ear with his teeth

"Stop you teaser" I giggle swatting his chest he chuckled and laid next to me wrapping his arms around me

"I love you" I mumble

"I love you more Moonlight"

"No way I love you way more" I giggle

"I love you to infinity" He plays with me

"I love you to beyond"

"FUCK what's past beyond" He thinks just making me laugh

"No matter what I will always love you when your stressed tell me how I can fix it or help you feel better, if you need to cry I'm that shoulder you can cry on and I will ALWAYS protect and love you, you shine brighter then the Moonlight, the sun, the brightest star in the sky I will accept all your decisions even if they sound crazy you need anything I'm talking about a kiss, a hug, a cuddle, Rickiana time, Starbucks maybe even some lovin I don't care what it is it's from you and that's all that matters, you're beautiful inside and out FUCK what others have to say your the most beautiful human being my eyes have ever seen and I just need to say this to heaven you lost a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, humble, kind, sweetest, and funniest angel you can ever find on this hateful world I love you Forever Moonlight there will be moments when I just stare at you it's either I wanna bang you soo fucking hard or goddamn I'm lucky to have you makeup or no makeup you will still be the Ariana Grande-Butera I fell in love with at that coffee shop" He says so sweetly and I just tear up


"Not planning to" He kisses my nose and I fall asleep

Sweet like Candy but he's such a Man, He knows just what it does when he's holding me tight and he calls me Moonlight too....🌙

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