Eleven: Lucinda's Parents Part 2 {Lia}

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A/n okay so last time I added my OC in because I seriously didn't know tf to write about. Don't worry. Serena WILL be a normal character but WON'T take away from the story line. I, not Allie, but I might add some swearing in a couple chapters. So yeah... just watch out. If you haven't already plz check out our other stories. If we hit 2k reads I will do a face reveal. I don't know about Allie, but I will. Sorry this is a little short. NOW ON WITH THE STORY!!!!


There really wasn't anything interesting going on at Lucinda's parents home. Sure, they were a little crazy but other than that okay!

Travis kept trying to flirt with Katelyn and Lucinda but got death threats and slaps in return. The girls were all talking and socializing with each other. The boys all were sitting on the couch talking.

Zane, I mean one-eye, was standing in the corner alone when Serena walked up to him. But they were talking together and both had a slight blush.

I yawned because I was starting to get tired even though it was like only 7:00. I was trying to stay awake and join in on the conversation but I couldn't. I finally gave into sleep.


I was talking with Aphmau and Dante when I felt a lump land on my shoulder. I look down and see Laurance sleeping on me. I can't help but smile even though I know I'm blushing.

Awww He's so cu- Wait. What? No. But I couldn't help but have a soft spot for him.

Zane and Serena looked over from they were standing and saw Laurance lying on my and me blushing. "I ship it." Serena said. "Same." Zane agreed.

And in one minute I was surrounded by my brother and two fangirls (*cough* *cough* Serena and Kawaii Chan *cough* *cough*) taking pictures. "Mother of Irene... Why me..."

"CAUSE YOU ARE SO FREAKING ADORABLE TOGETHER!!!" they all yelled causing Laurance to wake up. "What-- Where-- Huh?"He sat up and looked around.

He looks up and sees that he was sleeping on me and the face he made was priceless. He got all red and started speaking nonsense. "OH MY IRENE GARROTH I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T REALIZE--" I cut him off. I laughed. "Laur, it's fine your tired that's all."

"Sorry..." he murmured

* * *


It was 10:00 now and half of us were falling asleep. Some of us like me were so tired we laughed at everything and it was basically like we were drunk. (Is it just me or does that happen to everyone. 'Cause I'll be at a friends house and it turns like 1 am for example and suddenly I go crazy. Just me... Okay...)

Garroth, Aphmau, Dante, Aaron, Zane, Cadenza, and Lucinda weren't tired but the other half of us were.

"Come on, guys, you are all tired. Let's get you to bed." Lucinda cooed. "Really, *yawn* I'm tired..." I said.

I leaned into Garroth not caring. I saw his face heat up but he put his arm around me helping me up. We all walked into the camper but I saw Zane carrying Serena with his face heated up.

I got to the couch and fell asleep on it not caring but just happy it was soft.

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