Epilogue {Allie}

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Six years later...

"Daddy! Papa!" our four-year-old daughter called us over to her swing under the willow tree in our backyard. Her long blonde pigtails waved in the wind, and her blue sundress matched her crystal eyes.

I stood up as Garroth did the same thing and led me to the swings by my hands. I looked at her lovingly, and she smiled at me.

"Push me! Hehe!" she squealed, and I pushed her. She kicked her bare feet and gripped the ropes tightly while laughing in ecstasy. She exited her state of craziness and started to kick her legs out when she was forward and tucked them in when she was going backward.

I sat back down on the porch swing with my husband, and he swung his arm across my shoulder. The sunset was blazing orange and pink, and it was beautiful.

"Ahh, our little Irisella has the best dad in the world," he stated, hugging me closer.

"I could say the same to you," I replied, winking. I pecked his cheek, and he guided my face to his lips.

He sighed. "I'm so glad Irene gave us to her. Her biological mother must've been an angel."

"Remember, way back when, we did that play Katelyn had us do?" I asked.

"Haha, yes! Your terrible aiming skills with potions made us fall in love," he reminisced. "Oh, and the way I pinned you against the wall in the haunted house?" Garroth chuckled.

"Katelyn took pictures, how could I forget? Well, thanks for putting up with me," I smiled, kissing him.

Garroth grinned. "It's hard to convince myself that your love for me is not a dream. It's a reality."

"I love you, Laurance."

"I love you too, Garroth. Forever."


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