Chapter 1

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The end doors of the helicopter opened and I felt the night wind gush into my face.
John (my new mission supervisor) stood next to me, his skull mask in his hands.

"Okay. You ready?" He asked me.

"Please" I scoffed. "I've been ready for years. I've been training since I was eight. Why am I only doing my first mission now?"

"Really Dick. We're about to jump out of a helicopter and all you're worried about is that this is your first mission." John said. "You're twelve, thats the age when we all start our first mission."

"Yeah but why are you a supervisor at age fourteen? You have to be sixteen."

John shrugged. "I guess I'm that good. Now are you going to jump out of this chopper or am I gonna have to push you."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. I don't know why you are so worried about me jumping out of the chopper." I said walking towards the opened back. "We did this in training."

I then faced him, leaned back and let gravity start to take me.

"Wreakless." I heard John yell as I fell out of the chopper.

I laughed as I plummeted through the dark sky towards the bright target building.
Stagg industries. A corrupt company lead by Simon Stagg.
My first ever mission is to kidnap him and bring him to the knees of the great Ra's al Ghul.

I pulled the cord that set my parachute into motion. My falling started to decrease and my crotch area started to ache.
As I traveled further down I aimed for the roof of the building.
I landed with two legs on the ground perfectly. I detached my parachute and waited until John arrived.
He finally hit the roof about a minute later.

"Wow you're slow." I said.

"I was following protocol." John defended.

"Who ever had fun following protocol? Now are we gonna do this or not?"

John gestured me forward with his hands.
"It's your mission. You go first."

I ran over to the side of the building. There was a metal railing around the edge of the roof. Perfect for connecting a rope and lowering yourself down.
I tied the long rope around the railing and then connected it to a clip on my belt. John did the same.

"The office is five floors down. Watch out for guards looking out of Windows along the way." John warned.

"John. I have been through training. I know what I'm doing."

"There's a huge difference between training and real world kid."

"Woah, woah, woah. You do not get to call be kid. You're only two years older than me."

John glared at me through his mask.

"Shut up. And get down there." He ordered.

I just shrugged, lifted my leg over the railing, faced towards the building and jumped down.
The rope bought me back in and my foot tapped the window. This kept happening the whole way down. Until I was one floor away from that office.
My foot tapped the window and I looked inside, to see a man holding a coffee cup looking back. We just stared at each other for a few seconds.
I then slowly took out my silenced pistol and shot it at him. But the glass just happened to be bullet proof. Great.
The man then turned and ran, no doubt yelling that there was an assassin on the window.
John had caught up to me.

"Why have you stopped?" He then looked at the window. "And why is there a bullet mark in the window?"

"A guy saw me. I tried to shoot him. Why didn't you tell me the windows were bullet proof?" I asked.

"Hey. You've been through training. I thought you might have known what to do." He said starting to lower himself again. "But if that guy saw you we better hurry. They've probably already warned Mr. Stagg."

We lowered ourselves down one more floor. The floor Stagg was on. And we were faced with dozens of guards, all just standing there with guns pointed at the window.

"Ha. Idiots. The glass is bulletproof." I laughed. But my laugh then disappeared. "But how the heck do we get in there?"

John looked down. Then back at the window.

"Jump down an extra floor."

We kicked off the window and went down another floor. It was empty. All of the guards had gone to the above one.

"Alright. So we enter here." I assumed.

"No. We go back up."


We climbed back up the rope and I realised that these were the dumbest guards ever. They saw us go down another floor and followed. There was no one up here.

"We enter here." John said.

We both swung back off the window. And then raised our legs, pulled all our weight forward and smashed through the window.

We landed on the floor and I disconnected my rope and tied it down somewhere. I'll need it to get back out.

"Office is just up ahead." John informed.

We got up and headed towards two double doors. On the other side was Simon Staggs office.
I leaned on the wall beside the door. There would most likely be a guard or two in there protecting him.
I looked over at John who was at the other side of the door.

"Smoke?" I suggested.

He nodded and I reached down to my belt and pulled out a small canister.
John reached forward and opened the door slightly. There was immediately a hail of bullets fired on the other side. But they didn't come through the door. Must be reinforced or something.
I took out the pin and threw the canister into the room.

"GAS!" One of the guards yelled.

We then burst open the doors and shot at the two guards. They immediately went down and left alone on the middle of the room, behind his desk was Simon Stagg.
We walked up towards him. We almost had him.
Until a red blur ran into the room, knocked us off our feet, grabbed Stagg and ran out.

"What the hell just happened?" I said, rising to my feet.

"The Flash happened." John answered, also getting up.

"How do you know that?"

"Because we're in Central City. Home of the Flash and it was a fast red blur. I'm pretty sure it was the Flash."

"Wait. Did we just fail the mission?" I asked. "Did I just fail my first mission?!" I said faster.

"Yeah. The League isn't gonna be happy about this."


Yes I put John in this story. Is it the same John from my other story????
Don't know yet. We'll find out in the future.

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaWhere stories live. Discover now