Chapter 11

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I bent my body backwards, narrowly dodging Slades blade as it glided past.
I then pushed forward with my own sword and it slammed into his. The weapons grinded against each other for a few moments until they finally slid away. I jumped back.

"So." I dodged another swing from Slades sword. "Yesterday you were talking about teaming up against Batman and Robin." I dodged another attack. "I was just wondering if you'd come up with a plan yet."

"Stay focused," he said. Taking another swing at me.

I went into the offensive and started swinging at him.

"I was just wondering if you had a plan." I said while our swords hit each other's again.

"I'm not making the plan. It's your mission. You have to do the plan. I just decide whether it's crap or not." He then jumped forward at me.

I blocked his attack and our swords fought against each other again.

"So far my plans haven't gone well."

"That's why I'm making you create this one. So you learn."

Slade then proceeded to knee me in the gut while our swords were still together. I staggered back.

"Hey! This is a sword fight."

"Even heroes cheat kid. They'll do anything to win because the world depends on it or something."

"You're not a hero."

"No. Im whatever pays the highest."

"Wait. You're getting paid to help me?"

"No. I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. OF COURSE I'M GETTING PAID TO TRAIN YOUR STUPID ASS!!!"

"Alright. No need to yell." I said.

To be honest. I was a little saddened learning that. I kinda actually thought he saw something in me or.. I don't know.
I raised my sword and charged at him. He raised his sword and they clashed together. After several seconds of eyeing Slade, I decided to drop my sword. Slade wasn't expecting it, and that's just what I wanted.
As the sword fell to the ground I lunged forward at him and my arms wrapped around his neck. All l my weight then went forward onto him. And it ended up pushing him back and he fell to the ground.

"What. The hell. Was that?" Slade said, stunned that he had gotten taken down.

"Even heroes cheat Slade. Didn't you just finish teaching me that."

"Well it's good to know you're actually paying attention."


Other Grayson POV

"You haven't let me out in days." I complained.


"I haven't even been allowed to leave the house. Or go to school."

"And there's a very great reason for that Dick." Bruce stated. "Have you already forgotten that there's a boy out there that looks exactly like you" he said poking me in the chest.

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaWhere stories live. Discover now