Chapter 5

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I walked down the streets of Gotham in civilian clothes. (But I did have a gun hidden in my hoodie). This city was a wreck. Homeless people on the street that are smoking what I suppose is some kind of drug. People standing in alleys dealing the drugs and rich people in suits buying them. No wonder Ra's al Ghul wants to cleanse this place. It's a mess.
Last night I figured out where I was going. All I had to do was a quick Google search for Dick Grayson and you'll find out that he's a young boy who was adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne, after MY parents were murdered. I also found out that he his an honour student at Gotham Academy. Sounds like a good place to kill the kid, so I'm gonna go scope the area out. Maybe I could find Grayson and figure out his daily patterns.......

My attention got diverted. As I looked across the road, I saw a girl walking.
A red head girl. Looked exactly like one that talked to me after my parents died. Probably because it was the same girl. What was her name again. Barbie. I don't know. I forgot. All's I did know is that I had to talk to her. Maybe she'll remember me. Probably not. Most likely not. But I still want to talk to her. I want to thank her for trying to help me on that night. She's one of the only faces I remember from my old life. Well except for my parents of course, and the circus ringleader, Haly.
I wonder if she'll actually care about who I am. She'll probably think I'm a creep and am going to kidnap her.
Nah, she wasn't like that when I met her. Then again, that was years ago and she did grow up in a crime riddled city.

I quickly crossed the street and walked up behind her.
This was my chance.

"Um, excuse me." I said nervously. "Girl with red hair."

She stopped and turned her head towards me. When she saw me she ended up turning her entire body.
She was so beautiful. Her eyes glistened, her red hair sparkled. The school uniform with the skirt made her look even cuter.

"Oh. Hey" she smiled as she turned.

My eyes widened. Maybe she did remember me. She's smiling at me with such confidence.

"Hi. Um. Do you remember me?" I said scratching the back of my head.

She put a confused frown on her face as she answered, "Ahh, yeah."

Oh my lord. She actually remembers me. She remembers me from all those years ago. We only talked for a minute and she remembers who I am. That's awesome. That's amazing!

"We're like, best friends Dick." She continued.

My mind went blank.

"Best friends? But we've only ever talked once....."

It hit me like a brick.
She wore a Gotham Academy uniform. The same school my doppelgänger goes to. To be best friends with someone they'd either have to be someone you've known for ages or a school mate.
They would've hit it off when he arrived at the school because they already knew each other. They met when she talked to me that night.


"Are you okay Dick. Don't you usually ride to school with Alfred?" She asked. "And why aren't you in your uniform? You trying to prank me or something?"

I can't blow it. Act like Grayson and get away from her.

"Uh. Ha ha ha. You got me." I laughed nervously. I figured Grayson was rich. So he'd act like every stupid rich kid. "Anyway I gotta go. See ya at school Barbie," I quickly ran off.

"Did you just call me Barbie? What's gotten into you Dick?" She yelled as I tried to disappear.

I ran down an alley and rested my back up against the wall.
That was so embarrassing. I can't believe she knows fake Grayson. Arrgghh! I only found out he existed a few days ago and now he's ruining my life.
I turned around and punched the wall, amazingly putting a dent in it.
I turned my head and my angry eyes fired straight into some random druggo. He looked at me, then looked at the dent in the wall. Then he slowly backed away. I rested my back against the wall again.
Calm down Grayson. Remember your mission. Kill fake Grayson. You can't fail your second mission. You won't fail your second mission. I need to figure out a plan. I need to find Grayson. I need to find out where he lives. Why didn't I find out where he lived when I was Googling. I could've killed him in his own home. Then again that is the home of the batman as well. Will probably be dangerous. They might have some defences or something. But I'm sure I can handle a few defences.

Right. Okay. So I go to the school. Stakeout mission. Find Grayson. Follow him to his home. Sneak in and Bam!
Put a bullet through his head.

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaWhere stories live. Discover now