Chapter 10

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Slade had taken me to the gym that was inside the base. We stood on either side of what looked like an arena.

"So what's the lesson today? Am I gonna pass out?" I asked sarcastically.

"Probably." Slade responded, "You any good at hand to hand combat?"

"You read my file. You tell me."

"I don't always trust the file. I like to learn someone first hand."

"Well let's fight and I'll introduce you to my fist hand."

Slade shook his head. "Now that you've said that. I'm going to go all out on you. No holding back."

"Wouldn't want it any other way." I said confidently.

A small grin grew on Slade face. And then he ran at me.
I got into defence and blocked one of his punches. And another one. And another. And then I was on the ground. How did he get me down? I have no idea.

"No fair. You have super powers!" I said, trying to justify myself.

"The world isn't fair so why should I be." Slade said. "And they're not powers. They're enhancements. Now get up. We're going again."

I got up and immediately charged at him. I took a swing but he caught it with his fist. He then proceeded to punch me in the gut and throw me to the ground.

"Are you sure you don't have powers?" I said, getting off the ground. Again.

"Yep. This is just skill." He said. "Again!"

I started charging at him again.
Okay Dick. You can do this. You know you can. Find a weakness. Every man has a weakness. I wonder what it is.... HOW THE HECK DID I END UP ON THE GROUND AGAIN!!!

"Pay attention to the fight and maybe you won't end up on the ground."

"Shut up! I was paying attention." I defended.

"You ran over here and forgot to punch. That's a pretty good sign that you weren't paying attention. Honestly. How on earth did you think you were gonna beat Robin?" He stated.

I rose off the ground. And stood into a defensive stance.


"Then show me. Show me you can beat him." Slade said. "You're angry. Use the anger in battle. Think about it. This boy is a direct copy of you. He has stolen you. Your identity. Your parents. Your life. And now you have the chance to punish him for it."


I threw a punch and of course he blocked it. But as he did I put in a little, but powerful, kick into his knee. I saw his eyes widen. I launched off his bent knee and use my knee to smash his face in. Slade staggered back from the force. I ran back at him and then slid into the ground, taking out his legs. He fell to the ground and and I jumped on top of him and pinned him down.
A wild smile formed on my face.

"You have three seconds to get out of this, right?"

"When did I say we were wrestling?"

He then broke his hands free from my grip and ripped me off of him. I flew across the room.

"To be honest." He said getting up. "I never thought you'd actually get me down. What with you're file saying your absolutely shit at hand to hand."

"My file says that?" I said getting up. "But I though I was good at this stuff"

"You are good at stuff." He said running at me. "Just not this stuff."

He then fly kicked me. I held my arms in a cross in front of me in a hope of protection. But the force was too strong. I flew back and hit the wall.
Slade then ran forward and started putting quick little punches into me. I blocked most of them with my arms bit some got through. I grabbed his shoulders and lurched forward, kneeling him in the gut. I then punched him in the face and he staggered back. I grabbed his arm and was about to throw him down. But when I grabbed him, an evil grin grew on his face. He pulled me in and put me into a headlock.

"Wrong move." He said.

He had me in a headlock and I couldn't breathe. I began flailing. I felt like I was suffocating. Probably because I was. After about a minute my vision began to blur and I was then out cold.

When I woke I was on the floor. Slade standing over me.

"I told you you'd probably pass out."

"How long was I out?"

"Only a few minutes. I have to say I'm impressed. You achieved a lot more than I thought you would."

"But I lost."

"But you hurt me. That's something no ones been able to do in a long time."

"Except for batman," I added.

"Yes. Except for batman."

"But I still lost. If batman can beat you. Then I can't beat him. I'm screwed."

"Not necessarily. Your mission is the bird and the bird only."

I nodded.

"So I was thinking. Maybe it's about time I had another chance at the Bat. I've improved a bit."

"You want to help me?"

"Helping you is all I've been doing. This time it's for me. I need to kill the batman."

"So you're saying that we split them up. I take Robin and you take Batman."

"Exactly. That way you don't have to deal with both of them. Only the younger one."

I smiled. "This is going to make it so much easier."

"No it won't." Slade replied. "Now you're done for the day. Go for a ten kilometre cool down run."

"Are you serious?!"

He just looked at me with fierce eyes.
I turned and walked away.

"Alright I'm going." I said as I left.

"Start running now."

I continued to walk.


I started running.

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaWhere stories live. Discover now