Chapter 8

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I have a way to get his attention. I just have to commit crimes and I'll eventually stumble upon him. And I've committed a few decent ones.
Arson: set the hallways of a hotel on fire with gasoline and a match. How many casualties. I have no idea.
Petty theft: went around pointing my gun at people and taking their money.
Robbing stores: I didn't actually steal anything. I just set off the alarms.
Graffiti: I don't know why but I spray painted a giant R on a rooftop. Maybe it'll get his attention.

But right now I'm out of ideas and I'm leaning on a wall with my hoodie on and shinning a light into the drivers as they go past. I highly doubt that this is a big enough crime to get Robins attention.

"Hey! I'd stop doing that if I were you. You might cause an accident."

You've got to be kidding me.
That voice sounded exactly like mine.
I looked up and on the roof top I saw him. Standing there and watching me in his red uniform and yellow cape, was Robin. The boy wonder and my clone.

I run towards the building he's on and start climbing up it. By the time I reached the top he was running along three buildings ahead. I had to catch up.
I started running and jumped between the gap of the buildings. I then ran and did the same on the others.

"ROBIN!" I yelled, seeing the red figure get closer as I caught up to it. "ROBIN!"

Robin stopped and turned around.

"Yes. What is it citizen?" He said heroically. Seriously, how cheesy can ya get.

I stood and stared at him. I then raised my hands up and took off my hoodie. Revealing my face that was identical to his, except for the domino mask.
His eyes widened when he saw me.

"I. I wasn't going crazy. I really was beating up myself." He said, looking shocked.

"No. I beat you up. Clone!" I said confidently. "I'm here to kill you. And I 
Plan on succeeding."

I got ready in a fighting stance.

"Clone? You're a clone of me? And you're trying to kill me? Wow. KF is not going to believe this."

My stance weakened.

"What is wrong with you. I'm about to kill you and all you're worried about is your friend not believing you. WHY AREN'T YOU SCARED!!!"

Robin then got into a fighting stance and I got back into mine.

"Because you're not going to kill me." He said confidently.

"We'll see."

I ran at him. But he didn't run at me. Instead he lowered his stance. That was unexpected but I kept running.....

A hard boot to the face later and I was on the ground. Being overlooked by a tall dark figure with pointy ears.
My eyes widened when I saw him. He looked kinda...Inhuman.
He reached a hand down to grab me but smoke suddenly filled the rooftop. Something then grabbed my arm and dragged me far away from that rooftop before the smoke had settled.
When I could see properly again, I looked at the guy who grabbed me and saw Slade, Deathstroke.

"Deathstroke! What are you doing!" I yelled.

"Saving you from a life of imprisonment." He said calmly.

"I could've taken him!"

"You're an idiot. Look at your face. It's already bruised from where he swung in and kicked you. And he had you on the ground with no where to go."

"I would've recovered."

"Again. You're an idiot."

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded.

"Back to the base. You are going through training." Deathstroke answered.

"I've been in training since I was eight! I don't need anymore."

"That's debatable, and this isn't your league of assassins training, this is my training. It's different. I'm going to teach you tricks to takedown the Batman. And then you will use them on Robin."

"What can you teach me that the league already hasn't."

"A lot. I didn't go through your little training classes. I made it on my own."

He's right. Deathstroke was a army soldier who signed up for an experiment that made him more enhanced than a normal human. He got by as an assassin by using his own tricks and moves.

"No." I said. "I don't need your training! I can do this on my own!"

"Oh god. You have got to be the most wreakless, most stubborn and most dumb assassin I've ever met."

"Yeah. What you gonna do about it." I taunted.

Slade then punched me in the face.


He then continued to drag me away towards the base.

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaWhere stories live. Discover now