Chapter 13

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I carried Barbara up the ladder leading to the trapeze stand. The same stand that I was on all those years ago.
Barbara was silent. Why? I have no idea. Maybe she didn't want me to hear her whine.
We reached the top and I looked out across the circus tent. It felt weird being back here. It wasn't bright like it used to be. It was more... Depressing.
I pointed towards the seats in the north side of the tent.

"Did you know that that's where we first met?" I said to Barbara.

She looked at me. "That was Dick Grayson. Not you."

"I am Dick Grayson. The real Dick Grayson. You're friend is the fake. And he's coming here tonight."

"Why would he come back here. This is the place IT happened."

"He's gonna come here because we have you. His best friend."

Barbara's eyes widened a little. But then went back to normal as if trying to hide that little sign of weakness she just showed. I grabbed the trapeze and both of Barbara's hands.

"You do realise my dads the police Commissioner. He'll have the best detectives on the case."

"The best? You mean Batman and Robin."

"Yep. And if they turn up, your plan will fail."

A smile came to my face. "Girl please. That's who I want to show up."

"You want them to show up. Let me guess. You have a trap set up. Batman is way to smart for that."

"But is the bird. He won't be thinking straight. All he'll be worrying about is saving his best friend."

"You have a friend of Robins here too?" Barbara asked.

I looked straight at her.

"Surely your smart enough to figure it out." I said as I finished tying Barbara's hands to the trapeze.

Barbara's face showed that she was in deep thought. Then a smile came to it.

"Do you seriously think that Dick is Robin. Dick Grayson. Of all people?"

I smiled as well. "Yeah. I do."

I then pushed her off the stand and she flew through the air with her hands stuck on the trapeze. She kept swinging back and forth, screaming as she went. Until she eventually slowed down and stopped in the middle of the air. Hanging many metres off the ground.

"Let's hope that trapeze holds or you might end up like my parents." Wow, that joke was really not funny and I'm ashamed of myself for saying it. "Bye Barbie" I said as I started climbing down the ladder.


Other Grayson POV

I stood in the batcave, waiting. Bruce was working late so I had no problem in having to make an excuse. I looked at the entrance to the cave. I thought he would be here by now.

"Come on Wally. Where are you?"

"I'm right here."

I jumped forward as I heard his voice. I turned around to see him standing there, eating a box of cookies.

"I raided your kitchen on my way down. Hope you don't mind." The yellow speedster said.

I've only known Wally for about a year and he's already become my best friend. Other than Babs of course. But sadly every time he comes around Alfred has to make several trips to the market. For a fourteen year old the guy can eat.
I grabbed the box out of his hands and threw them down a bottomless pit.

"Dude. Overkill much." Wally complained.

"Shush Wally. I need your help."

"Yeah. What with?"

"Do you remember Babara?

"Of course. The cute red head that went to the fair with us a few months ago. I think she has a thing for me."

"She's been kidnapped."

The smile that was plastered on Wally's face dropped.

"Oh damn. Really. By who?" Wally said, now acting serious.

"By me. But not me. A guy that looks like me."

Wally looked at me confused.

"A clone of me." I said.

"Ohhhhh. Why didn't you just say so."

"You don't seem surprised that there's a clone of me."

"Dude. I'm the fastest teenager alive. You live with a guy that dresses like a bat. I really wouldn't be surprised if we all had clones."

"Ah huh. Anyway. I need your help to get her back."

"Of course man. Let me guess. You want me to search every building in the city. I can do that."

"No. I already know where she is."

"Alright. So we just run in there and kick some butt."

"No. It's a trap. We need to observe the place. Then make a plan."

"And then?" Wally asked excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. "And then we kick butt."

"Alright!" Wally exclaimed. "Let's go."

Richard 'Dick' GraykillaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz