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 She kneels down on her knees, looks me straight in the eye, and says exactly what i'm thinking "Looks like we've both been keepin' secerts.


 I get off the ground, ruffle A.k's fur, grab a blanket and put behind a tree. "Go change back so we can talk and don't you dare try to run away."

  He pads right on over behind the tree and comes back with the blanket around his hips...showing his abs...his totally hot, sexy, 6 or 8 pack abs.  he says to me"alright let's talk you go first." No way that gonna happen buster I think to myself but instead I say "no, you go first."

 He nods his head and gesters to the tailgate, I oblige and sit down. This is going to be a lonnnnnnnnnnng night...


 "hmm, where to start, where to start?" I muse. "Why not at the beginning?" she suggests.

"Well...in the beginning there was darkness..."

"No! No! No!"

"Alright, alright." I take in a breath and let it out "alright here goes nothing"

"I'm a werewolf and werewolves have mates and i've already found my mate which is you Anna. Also i'm an alpha wolf which means i'm the leader of the or in my case co-leader since me and sa- someone else share the alpha responseabilities. So anyhow I transformed when the bear came out and thought you were in danger. It's my instinct."

"O.k, so let me get this straight...you're a werewolf and an alpha one at that, right and i'm your mate?" she asks.

"Yeah that just about sums it up."

"Oh...you're the other alpha Sam told me about. Well that makes sense now !!"



Ooooooooooooooo she already knew about werewolves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comments please

til next time!

Mate...redneck high school styleWhere stories live. Discover now