Lights, Camera, Action

463 17 1

"And in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-" the director says and then nods at us. And the interview starts.



O- Hello everyone, I'm Oprah Winfrey and today I have here with me, the hero from the SHS inciedent. Anna! Anna, Thanks so much for coming today.

M- Oh you're welcome Oprah anytime! 

O-So how did you know about the lockdown?

M- It came over the speakers.

O- Where did you learn your method of fighting and what is it called?

M-It's called redneck fightin' and I learned it from my family.

O-We have the footage and here it is...

                      30 minutes later...

Oprah-Well that's all for today! Anna, thanks once again for coming! I had a great time and hope that you did also.

M- You're welcome and thank ya for inviting me!

O-Until next time I'm Oprah Winfrey!

Mate...redneck high school styleWhere stories live. Discover now