Magcon part 1

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We got to the convention center and it was about 4:30 when we got in line to go in and the doors open at 6:00 so we had a while to wait, but we were one of the first people to get there. Cleo, Liz and me all took a picture together because we all looked super cute
All outfits in media ^^^
I was wearing a tank top with okay, okay on on it with high wasted acid washed shorts my white vanes and a flower crown in my hair and I had my hair curled. Cleo was wearing a cute dress with white lace on the top and a light pink color skirt she wore flip flops and sunglasses in her hair and her hair was straight. And finally Liz was wearing a black cropped tank top with white flowers around the neck line light blue shorts and a white cardigan, for shoes she wore her black high top converse and she had her hair In a ponytail. We took a bunch of pictures and then posted some of them on Instagram. It was now about 5:45 and they were letting V.I.P in now. We got to the front and showed the guy our tickets. He let us in and told us that's they were doing family pictures before the show so if we wanted to get in line we could. We all decided to go and we were I think the 3rd people in line to go and take a picture with everyone. There were 3 chairs open on the middle of all of them so we all went and sat down I sat in the middle right below cam, Liz sat on the side by Taylor and Cleo sat on the side by Arron. We got our picture and we went to go get a good spot for the show we waited and listened to the music playing. We all caught up and talked about how school was today ( a/n Liz and autumn don't go to the same school)
Finally the show started and all the boys got introduced and after about five minutes of screaming they were all out on stage. The only boys I really liked in this new magcon were Jacob, obviously, cam, hunter, and Dylan. I like the other boys kinda but not as much as those four. The lights dimmed and they all started to sing and dance and do there thing. After they did that for a little while they stared to do a Q:A most of the questions were "will you marry me?" or "will you say you love me?" Then after the Q:A they stared to call people up for a dance off practically everyone raised their hand they called about five girls up and then they called Cleo me and Liz up we all went on stage and chose what side we wanted to be on me and Cleo chose Jacobs side and Liz went over to Hunter. Duh. Our team won and then we all got off stage. They sang and danced to one more song and then the show was over and they let VIP go to the meet and greet. We all got in line and the first person I met was cam. He was super sweet and we took two pictures together. Then I went over to Dylan and took a picture with him. He was also really nice. I didn't really want a picture with the other boys so I went over to where Jacobs line was and Hunter was there but not Jacob. Where is he...?

Cliffhanger!!! Where is Jacob? Is autumn going to meet him or not?  Hope you guys liked the longer chapter I'll try to make them longer for you guys if you want me too!

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