The big day

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I woke up in the morning and autumn was cuddled up next to me. Today is the day I'm going to tell her I like her. I'm just scared of what she might say back. What if she doesn't like me? What if she laughs in my face? Maybe I shouldn't tell her, but what if she does like me? Why is this so hard. I decided to get up and get dressed. I went to the bathroom to get changed and heard autumn moving around.


I woke up and didn't see Jacob but the bathroom light was on so I was guessing he was in there. I got up and went into my closet and picked out what I was gonna wear today I got my outfit and was getting dressed when I heard the bathroom door open and Jacob standing in the door way he paused for a second then quickly turned away. I only had my pants on At the moment so I only had a bra on! Ok so that just happened
"Jacob you can turn around now I'm done." I said while laughing a little
"Lol, ok sorry about that."
"So what are we doing today?" I asked him
"You'll see!" He answered exited
His sister picked us up and we stared to drive (a/n yes he dose actually have a sister) after a few minutes of driving we end up at a movie theater. Cool. When we got In I went to go pay for my ticket but Jacob went in front of me and payed for me and him. He is so sweet! We went in to the movie and we were going to see zoolander 2. It looked really funny so I was exited. I recorded the part where Justin Beiber get shot like a billion times 😂😂 ( in media)^^ and then something I wasn't expecting happened. Jacob out his arm around me. I just played it off like it was nothing but on the inside I was screaming yesss!!!!!
*after the movie*

After the movie I was going to take her to. My favorite spot in the woods. I had set it up perfectly earlier so we walked there since it wasn't that far away from the theater. Once we got there I got behind autumn and covered her eyes and lead her to the spot. Once we got there I told her to open her eyes and she just stood there is shock.
"It's beautiful jacob" she said in awe
"Thank you, want to sit down." I asked
I had decorated it in her favorite color, purple. I had purple fairy lights around the trees and pillows and blankets in different shades of purple. I can't take all the credit though. My sister did help a lot.

*about an hour later*
We were talking for a while just about the most random things. It was silent for a little bit so I thought that it would be the perfect time to tell Autumn how I feel about her.
"Hey Autumn, I have to tell you something." I shyly said
"Yeah?" She quietly said
"I like you a lot! And I have liked you ever since we meet. I don't care if you don't feel the same way I just want you to no that and that you are perfect In everyday!" Wow that took a lot of courage. She didn't answer back for a while and she had a confused look on her face. Now I'm confused.
"Why do you look confused?" I asked
"Out of all the girls that are obsessed with you, out of all the girls in Virginia, out of all the girls in Richmond, why me Jacob? You deserve someone better!" She said even more confused.
"Why you Autumn? Why you? I like you because you aren't afraid to be your self, I like you because you are outgoing, I like you because you are stunning, I like you because you aren't like any other girl that's why I like you autumn and I don't like anyone else but you" I pored my heart out when I said that and I meant every word I said too.
I still didn't hear anything and just as I was about to say something I felt a pair of lips crash into mine. I kissed back and our lips moved in sync. We kissed for another few seconds and then we pulled away.
"I like you too Jacob!"

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated In a while I've been really busy with school but I'll try to update daily.

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