I still love you

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We got to Virginia about an hour ago. I was upstairs in my room decorating it. Our new house was huge and it was in a really nice neighborhood too! As I was decorating I was thinking about everything. Somehow Jacob crossed my mind and then I realized that I live in the same city as him and I'm bound to see him around, so I might as well go yalk to him and forgive him for everything and hear what he has to say. I texted him and asked him if he wanted to talk
Autumn: hey can you talk for a little bit?
Jacob: yeah do you want to FaceTime for just text?
Autumn: oh I forgot to tell you but I moved to Virginia!
Jacob: oh! Really that's awesome! We can meet at the park then?
Autumn: yeah sure see you then!
Jacob: ok bye!
Autumn: bye!
After that I was about to leave before I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I looked like a slob. I quickly changed in to some black leggings and a crop top. I put my hair in a ponytail and left. It took me about 5 minutes to get to the park since it was pretty close to my house. I walked over to the park and saw Jacob sitting there. He looked the same but older, there was something new though. He was still super cute... AUTUMN WHAT ARE YOU TALKIG ABOUT TOU HAVE JOSH!... But he can be a real asshole sometimes... But so can Jacob...
All of these thoughts were running threw my head and I forgot that I was looking at Jacob.
"Take a picture it will last longer" he says and smirks
"Shut up!" I say and chuckle
"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked
"Listen Jacob, let's go sit down" I say and we got to the bench "I'm sorry."
He had a surprised look on his face.
"For what?" He asked obviously confused
" for being so mean to you when I saw the picture of you and that girl on your Instagram, I should have just listened to what you had to say instead of yelling and screaming at you."
"Autumn it's fine, it really is. That's in the past now anyways. I said that I would always love you and I meant it"

He never said that he loved me. Did he? I don't remember.
"You love me?" I asked him
"Of course I do and I even told you!"
"I don't remember!" I said as I start to get sad
"Well I love you Autumn! And I mean it . I love you so much it's hard to believe anyone could love someone as much as I love you. These last 3 years have been torcher. Not being able to hear your voice or see you. Or even talk to you. I love you."
at this point I was crying. Not because I was sad anymore but because of what Jacob just said. It made me feel like there was a reason for me to be here right now with him.
"Jacob?..."I say in a whisper
"I love you too!" I say
Before I knew what was happening he pressed his lips up aginsted mine. I instantly kissed back not thinking what I was doing. I stopped the kiss as my brain cought up with the rest of my body.
"Jacob I can't..." I said looking down
"I'm with someone, someone that I love. I can't just ruin that because of someone who has broke my heart kissed me!"
"You said you loved me!" He raised his voice a little
"Jacob I- " I started to say but he cut me off
" you what! You just go tell someone you love them and then five minutes later you say that you can't be with them because of someone else that you also "love"!" he said putting air quotes around love.
"I'm sorry"
"Save it I thought that you were better than that autumn! I thought that you wernt like that. You were so sweet and caring when I saw you last and now your just some kind of..." He stopped realizing what he was about to say.
"Some kind of what Jacob? Some kind of whore, slut, hoe, what just say it." I said tears running down my face.
"A slut." He said sternly
I just stood there in shock in what he had Jair said to me. How could someone so sweet once be so cold now?
"Jacob. Your not the same person I knew!"
"That goes for both of us then" he spits and walks away fast
"I STILL LOVE YOU!" I shout loud enough for him to hear me. He stops for a minute then keeps walking.

WOW! What just happened? Will Jacob forgive autumn?
I'll be updating tomorrow but there are only going to be a few more chapters. I'm going to be writing a new book soon so look for that!

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