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I woke up to the sun in my eyes. It was already winter break. I went to my phone to see what time it was and saw that Jacob had texted me back! JACOB!!!! I said to myself.

jacob☺️💙: hey cutie sorry I took so long to text back I was on a plane.
Autumn: it's fine, where are you going?
Jacob☺️💙: just to see some family
Autumn: cool, well have fun! Byee
Jacob☺️💙: k thx! byee!!!

After that I went and made myself some food When I heard a knock at the door. I went to go see who it was and all there was was a note.
"If you want to find out who this is then go to the mall"
Ok then I guess I'm going to the mall?
When I got to the mall walked to the door and saw another note on the window.
"You aren't going to find out who this is that easy. Your next note will be in your favorite store!"
Ok this is weird now but I'll do it. I went into bath and body works. When I walked in a lady came up and gave me another note.
" ok this I your last note, go to the place where dreams come true."
hmmmmm... What store is where dreams come true...THE DISNEY STORE! I love the Disney store! I ran as fast as I could to it and when I got in I saw him.
"OMG JACOB!" I screamed.
"Hi" he said almost in tears. "Did your dream come true?"
After that like hour hug we walked out and went back to my house.

I decided to go and surprise Autumn and give her a small scavenger hunt. I placed notes all around the mall and then went to the Disney store. After a little bit she came in and I walked up a little bit so she could see me. She practically jumped on me when she saw me. God I missed her so much. We went back to her house and we talked for a little bit. I want to tell her that I like her but I don't no if she feels that way about me and I don't want to ruin our friendship. But I want her to be mine so bad! I think I'll tell her tomorrow. But I have to do it in a cute way.
"Hello?" I heard autumn say "earth to Jacob!"
"Oh sorry I was just thinking."
"About what?" She said in a really cute way
"Just how much fun this week is going to be." I quickly said
"Yeah it is going to be fun!" She said really exited
"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked
Ok this is it Jacob you have to pick the perfect movie with out making anything to obvious.
"Ok what kind of movie do you want to watch?" I asked
"Umm.....I don't care."
"Ok I'll pick one then!" I said exited
I went on Netflix and looked threw some movies. Nothing...nothing...oh here! Perfect! A few minutes later autumn came back with popcorn m&m's and Kool-aid
"Her I got some food for us." She said
"Cool, ok I got a movie."
"Alright, looks like we have everything we need let's watch the movie!" She said then I started the movie. It was a romantic comedy and had some weird scenes, but it was rated really good. After about 10 minutes the movie got really weird and Autumn looked like she was about to fall asleep. So I got up and carried her to her bed. She was already wearing pajamas so that was good. After I put her in her bed I made myself a bed on the ground and fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and autumn was screaming but she still looked like she was asleep? I went up to her bed and I woke her up. She was all sweaty and seemed really scared.
"Are you ok?" I asked
"Yeah, just a bad dream." She answered
"Ok is there anything you need?"
"No but can you lay with me? I'm still kinda scared." She asked
As she said that a huge smile came to my face, but you couldn't see it because it was dark.
"Yeah sure." I said
I got in bed with her and we both went to sleep

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