Sleep over

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The show has just ended and me, Jacob, Liz, Hunter, Cleo and Dylan all walked out together and back up to the hotel rooms. We all decided to hang out in Jacobs room.
"So what do you guys want to do?" Dylan asked.
"Idk." I said
"Let's watch a movie!" Cleo said
"Ok but I get to chose." Jacob demanded
"Fineee!" We all groaned
Jacob went onto Netflix and picked a movie. He picked white chicks. Oh great😂
( a/n Btw white chicks it the funniest movie ever you should watch it if you haven't already)
We were all watching the movie and it started to get really late. Cleo fell asleep on Dylan's lap. They looked so cute together! And Liz looked like she was about to pass out. Hunter was already asleep and so was Dylan. So it was pretty much just me and Jacob up still. The movie ended and we were both super tired but we didn't want to fall asleep. We made a bet that whoever could stay up longer got 10 bucks in the morning. And got to post an embarissing tweet on the other persons Twitter! I needed to win this. We were up for about 2 more hours trying to keep our eyes open when I heard a slight snore. Yes! I won! I took a picture of him and took his phone and Posted it on Twitter with the hashtag #YouShouldntHaveFallenAsleep
After that I put his phone back and fell asleep next to Jacob.


I woke up in the morning with Autumn on my chest. She is so cute when she is asleep. Me and her have become really good friends in the past 2 days and I'm glad she's really cool and I think that our friends are all really close too. I heard my phone blowing up and went to go see what it was I got up without waking Autumn up and went to my phone. SHIT! I must have fallen asleep first! She posted a really embarrassing picture on my Twitter. Oh god I'm never gonna live that down! I have to get back at her. But how. Oh yeah there's a bucket in the kitchen for some reason. I had the perfect plan. Hehe...


I heard footsteps walking around but drowned them out and went back to sleep until I feel something wet drizzling down my next then the next thing you now I am drenched. I open my eyes to see Jacob with a bucket that is now empty.
"Why the hell did you do that Jacob!" I screamed
"Because it is fun! And because of the picture you posted of me." He said In between laughs
"Yeah I posted it because I won!"
"Well it looks like I'm the winner now because I'm not wet" Jacob snickered
"Yeah you are the winner let me give you a hug to celebrate!" I said running after him.
We ran around the hotel room me trying to catch him and him dogging me every time I tried to jump on him. Finally I caught up to him and gave him a big old wet hug.

Sorry if this chapter kinda sucked in super tired and like half asleep right now but I promise next chapter Will be better!

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