Were moving

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I woke up pretty early today. It was Saturday so I didn't have school. When I got out of bed I went to the bathroom and washed my face, brushed my teeth and then took a shower. The shower is my thinking Place, so when I got in all I did was think and the things I thought about were pretty strange. I was thinking about my 7th grade year and everything that happened that year. When I went to magcon, when my best friend moved away, when Jacob came to visit me, when he asked me to be his girlfriend, when he cheated on me? If he actually cheated on me, when I cut... Everything was coming back into my mind and I couldn't handle it. I started to cry. I fell to the ground and just lay there the water running down my back and tears running down my face.

After a good 30 minutes I finally get out and got to my room to pick some clothes out. It was still pretty cold out so I decided on a long sleeve black crop top and some joggers. I wasn't in the mood to look nice today. I didn't bother to do my makeup and put my hair in a French braid. I walked down stairs and into the kitchen to see my mom and dad drawn to the screen on their computer. I get they work on computers but they are never this focused. I go around the island to see what they are looking at and I see houses and prices.
"Mom, Dad are we moving?" I asked really concerned
"Oh! You scared me!" My mom says trying to change the subject
"Mom are we moving?!" I ask once again
And once again my mom try's to change the subject "do you want some eggs and toast?"
"ARE WE FUCKING MOVING OR NOT!" I scream at her then instantly realized that I just sweated at my own mother
"Don't talk to your mother like that autumn!" My dad demanded
" I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF WE ARE MOVING! God!" I scream again
"Yes we are." They both say
"How could you do this to me, why are we moving? My life is here! Do you just expect me to leave all of my friends and boyfriend behind!" I yell at them
I forgot to mention that I have had an on again off again relationship with a guy named josh for the past 3 months and we are on right now.
"Yes that is the reason we are leaving Autumn! Ever since 8th grade you have gotten into so much trouble and have come home drunk too many times to count and you are only 16! For god sake!" My mom screams at me

She wasn't wrong I am only 16 I shouldn't be out smoking and drinking and getting drunk. Even though I have good grades they are slowly dropping everyday I hang out with those people.

"I'm sorry mom. Where are we moving to?" I asked In a hush tone
"Virginia" she states
I hell to the no! I am not going anywhere close to where Jacob is. Because knowing me i will fall in love with him again and forget about josh.
"Virginia!! Why Virginia out of all 49 states we could have moved to? Why Virginia?"
"We thought that it would be good for you to see Jacob again. When ever you are with him he makes you a better person and everyone including you knows that Autumn!" She says
Again she was not wrong I think it would be good for me to talk to Jacob again.
"When are we moving?"
"Tomorrow!" My mom says exited.
"Ok" I say and walk back upstairs to pack
So I guess I'm moving to Virginia? Well this will be interesting

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