Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

"I'm radioactive. Radioactive...."

I groaned. Who calls anymore? This is the third phone call I've made in two days. Ugh. "Hello?"

"Hi, sweetheart!" I brightened up a little noticing it was my dad. I was supposed to be leaving Parker's house today, I still hadn't forgiven my mom. I couldn't believe she was going to force me to marry that stupid Andrew Wayland guy. Ugh. I can't believe her! Why couldn't she put herself in my shoes and see how much it would suck to marry someone you were forced to.

"...essa? Tessa?! Are you even listening?"

"I-uh-what, Dad? Sorry I was zoning out." He sighed.

"I'm not coming home tonight like I said I was but your mom did tell me what is going on and I think you should give her a break. It wasn't her idea. One night we were having dinner with the Wayland's and we were discussing business, then a handsome, young man not much older than you came downstairs with a tear stained face. He announced his girlfriend had broken up with him. I think you should give the poor guy a chance. I'm not asking you to go to your mother today but at least meet Andrew on Saturday like your mother said. This wedding thing isn't finalized yet, no matter what mom says. We were only discussing it and if you guys hit it off then it would indeed be finalized. Okay, pumpkin? Just be back home in two weeks at least, that's when I'll be home. I'm sorry about this but it is what's best for our family. Just give him a chance. I love you." Click. He hung up, not even letting me discuss it. Well I better tell Parker I'm not leaving tonight.

I left to go downstairs and saw Parker sitting on the couch playing Xbox. Megan and his mom went out to some little kid's birthday party so it was only Parker and myself. When I saw Parker memories of the kiss came to me. Why did I have to like Parker, the school bad boy, out of all people. Maybe I should give this Andrew guy a chance. He could help me lose feelings I have for Parker.

"Hey, uh, Parker?"

"Hmm?" He responded probably not even paying attention.

"So I guess my dad had to lengthen his business trip another two weeks. He wants me home by then but I still haven't forgiven my mom..."

"Okay." Okay? Okay?! That's it?

"So that means I need to stay here a little while longer," I said, now annoyed, "if that's okay." I added hastily.

"That's fine, shorty." Ugh! I can't decided if I want to slap him or kiss him right now. He's so annoying but so attractive. Okay, fine. I'm going out with Andrew. I can't feel this way about Parker. It'll just add drama to my life that I don't need. Lets just hope Andrew isn't terrible. Parker obviously didn't like me that way so I wasn't going to even try with him.

"Oh, except Saturday morning we need to sneak into my house again." I said remembering I needed something fancy, and hot, for my date with Andrew. Yes I'm going to call it a date. Also I would Google him, no doubt a young heir to his father's multi billion dollar company would have some images on the web and stuff.

"Ummm why?" He asked, fully paying attention to me.

"Because I have a date Saturday." I said as vaguely as possible. I look towards Parker and he had a foreign look on his face. Was he...was he jealous? Oh my god he so was!

"What's up with that look, sweetheart?" I winked. "Are you jealous?" He blushed a deep shade of red. "Oh my god you are! You're blushing now! Oh my god Parker Rivers I jealous of some guy he doesn't know! That's hilarious!" I barked with laughter.

"I'm not jealous!" He bellowed and suddenly I stopped laughing and felt like I would pee my pants. That was scary.

"Well, no matter. I need to sneak into my room to get a nice dress to wear. It's with Andrew Wayland." Like Parker knew who he-

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