Chapter 12: Dylan

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(A/N: Sorry. I accidentally posted chapter 11 instead of ten. I can't fix it. But the dream Katrina had was about her and Dylan behind the school kissing and he told her why do you hate me, why can't you love me. Katrina didn't understand. Then Dylan said "tell me how you truly feel. I love you. Do you love me?" Then the dream ended. So that's what happened if you really wanted to know what the dream was about. sorry about that.)


I'm at Katrina's house.

"Hey what's up?" I ask. She gives me a shocked and disgusted look.

"Anyway, I brought you this." I hand her the Fire and Ice rose I had freshly picked and the poem I had just written.

She looks at the rose, looks at me and says "Is this your pathetic way to get me to sleep with you? Seriously? How many girls of my school have you already slept with? My god. You're such a.... Man Slut! How do you even know where I live?!"

youch! "First of all, it was Natalie. Second of all, is that what you really think of me as, a man slut?!

"Yes! Now leave my property!" She yells.

Just lovely. I can't believe this.

I start walking home and just like in the stupid movies, it started to rain. Which just makes me feel even worse.

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