Chapter 25: Natalie

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(A/N: Now you guys are totally up to date. This is the last chapter I've been working on. No the book isn't over yet, I'm still going to post more chapters. Please VOTE and COMMENT. Tell me what you truly think about it. Be honest too. Special thanks to the people follow. Especially ash, malachite, hope, and Pacifica.)


I can't believe Dylan and Katrina aren't here today. I bet you they're making out right now. Katrina always did get guys to fall for her instead of me. That bitch. She never really was my friend to begin with. I saw Dylan and Katrina leave school together yesterday.

I hope Katrina's ok though. I may act like I hate her but I still worry about her.

Cordelia comes up to me and says "Hey did you hear the news about Dylan and Katrina last night?"

Oh come on. I knew it.

"No." I say angrily.

"Dylan got attacked last night and Katrina went over to his house. Then Dylan spent the night at Katrina's house. Katrina got severely injured."

"What?! Where did you hear this from?" I yell.

"Some kid who said she lived on Dylan's street." Cordelia says.

"Ok um. I need to go check on Katrina. Tell my teachers I got really sick and had to go home ok?" I ask.

"Sure. No porb Natalie." Cordelia says.

"Ok bye." I said running down the hall. I get into my car and start driving down to Katrina's house like a mad man.

I get there and start banging on Katrina's door.

Dylan opens the door, shirtless.

Omg. They were just about to be do it. I thought to myself.

I push Dylan aside and charge through the door.

"Where's Katrina?!" I yell.

"Just who do you think to are, barging into someone's home Natalie?" Dylan say, his voice so commanding.

"Oh please Dylan. If you know what's good for you, you'd shut up." I replied.

I went into the living room. Katrina is covered up with a blanket.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe you Katrina what's-" I start, pulling off her blanket. She's not naked.

"Thank God." I said.

"Natalie what the hell are you doing here?" Katrina says.

"Overreacting." Dylan said. "She probably thought we were having sex or something, got jealous and came down here to stop it. You know you can't believe everything your hear Natalie." Dylan said.

"I know that!" I yelled.

" Is that true Natalie?" Katrina says sadly. "Did you really think that?"

" Yeah." I replied.

"What the hell made you think that?!" She screamed, jumping up. "Why on earth would I be having sex with Dylan!" She said.

" Well you can't blame me for thinking it. Dylan spent the night at your house didn't he? And might I add he was at the door shirtless for god's sake." I replied.

"Oh my gosh. All that happened was I got a stain on my shirt and had to wash it. Jeez." Dylan said.

"Ugh! Whatever. I am leaving." I say, walking out the door.

I get in my car and go home.

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