Chapter 34: Katrina

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(A/N: This has some sexual stuff, so I suggest skipping it if you don't want to read it. But there's no actual sex involved. So if you got eyes or somethin', just skip the dang chapter.)

   The guy reached for my breast and started kneading it, the warmth of his hand burning through my thin shirt. It feels good, but he is a stranger and I don't want him to do this to my body.

   "Who are you?" I ask.

   "Your lover for all eternity." He replies.

   I automatically know it's Alex. I wanna jam him in the groin that way it hurts for a week, but reluctantly I don't.

   "Why can't you leave me alone? I banish you from my house and caused a minor injury. What more do I gotta do to get it through your thick head?" I say.

     He stops kneading and grabs hold of my arms with one hand. The other hand reaches to my inner thigh and traces upward, reaching to the rim of my jeans. He pushes his hand into my pants and undies, rubbing my sex. Even though I don't want his attention I start to cream.

   "Ah. You're so wet for me. Why would I want to leave you alone when I love you Katrina?" He finally responds.

  "Because leaving me for dead doesn't show that you love me. Besides, you know I could kick your ass right now." I replied.

   "So why don't you?" He asks

  He encircled my clit.

   "It's because you still love me. I know you want me Katrina." He says.

  He slides a finger deep inside that makes me gasp.

  "You're so tight and I can feel you grasping at my finger. Sucking and pulling."

  He turns me slightly and plants his lips on mine. They feel weird. I don't like it when he kisses me. His lips are warm and full. He angles his head to deepen the kiss. It still feels weird and slimy. He nibbled my bottom lip, waiting for me to respond. His finger still pumping.

  Suddenly, he slides two more fingers inside me. As a gasp escapes from me, he thrusts his tongue into my mouth. He licks all around and is trying to savior the taste of my mouth. His tongue thrusts in and out at the same rhythm of his three fingers now pumping inside me. I know a moan is trying to escape my throat, but I'm not gonna let him know that I'm slightly enjoying it.

   "Wouldn't it be amazing if you were to lose your virginity to me right here. Right now. My cock is raging with jealousy of my fingers right now." He says.

   He slides his fingers out of my pants and puts them into his mouth.

   "You taste so good. Feel what you do to me."

   He pull me tighter towards him and I can feel the bulge through his jeans against my lower back. He takes my hand and puts it down his boxers. His cock is rigid and hard. Slick with pre-cum. I smirk.

   "Too bad I already lost it." I say, releasing my hand from his pants.

   "You what?! To who?" He yells

   "Nonya." I say smiling.

    He has released me by now. I kicked right where it hurts and ran for it. I saw him double over and that was my chance. I ran all the way back to my house.

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