Chapter 30: Katrina

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(A/N: In case you skipped the chapter before this one, here's what happened. Of course they had sex but also after that, in the end, Dylan said I love you to Katrina. So if you want to go back and read if you missed it that's fine by me. Hope you're enjoying my book so far. Pls VOTE and COMMENT. Special thx to all my followers. Especially Ash, Hope, Malachite and Pacifica.)

My eyes widened. I tried to swallow but I couldn't. My mouth was completely dry. I tried to change the subject.

"Well, at least we know that we aced our health project."

Dylan chuckled. He runs his hands through his thick black hair.

"Yeah I guess we did." He replied.

I get up and walk to the bedroom door.

"Where you going?" Dylan asked.

"To the bathroom to take a shower." I replied.

I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. My hair's a mess from Dylan running his hands through it.

I gasp as I saw my eyes change colors. They are glowing purple. I stand there, awed by how pretty the color of my eyes had turned to. A few moments later the glow disappears and turns my eyes back to brown.

After my shower, I head downstairs to get a snack. I notice Dylan's backpack is on the counter. I never knew he had it here.

I look through it, even though I know it's wrong. I found a book that has an old picture as the cover. A sticky note sticking out. I turn to that page and read what's on it.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. That's the reason why Dylan didn't want me to see the book. It's about me. Or at least I think it's about me. But it makes sense. Galea. Not knowing my real parents.

Dylan knew somehow. And yet I didn't have a clue.

"Hey, what you looking at?" Dylan asked. He comes up from behind and pulls me towards him. He's fully dressed. He sees what's in my hands and takes it away.

"Why are you going through my stuff?" He asked.

I give him a mean look.

"I told you that you wouldn't like the book." He says.

"Dylan, Where did you find that book?!" I yell.

"I'm assuming you read enough to figure it out huh." He replies.

"Yes! Why didn't you tell me that I had to save the world?"

"I don't know!" he yelled. "You know, maybe I wanted you to have a normal life and not get killed."

"Being a witch is already not normal Dylan! And what do you mean not get killed?" I said angrily.

"Oh, you didn't read that part?! Well, if you proceed with this prophecy, You could possibly die." He yelled.

"One life over the entire human and animal population. Are you that selfish?" I asked.

"What's that supposed to mean? Katrina, didn't last night mean anything to you? Cause it sure of a hell lot did to me." He yelled.

"Of course it fucking did damn it!" I yelled.

"I thought you didn't like cursing" Dylan said.

"Ugh. Well right now, I don't give a rat's ass. " I yelled.

"I don't want anything to happen to you Kat. I.. I love you. If anything happened to you I would die." Dylan said.

My throat closed up. I felt tears rising.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me." I said.


"Don't call me that. Just leave Dylan." I yell.

Dylan grabs his stuff and heads out. He takes a quick glance at me and then slams the door.

It upset me to watch him go; But I was pissed. Why would he hide this from me?

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