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It's about another week before I'm allowed to go on a mission. Well, to be fair, it's just investigation. I'm still not cleared for any sort of combat.

The mission is an 0-8-4. All I'm allowed to do is help FitzSimmons gather data. We're flying out to Peru.

I follow Jemma and Fitz into a cave. "There." Jemma says. "That's the 0-8-4." She points to a metal box on the cavern wall.

"That?" I say. "Doesn't look like much."

"It could be." Fitz says. I shrug. "Possibly." I walk up to the box, and reach out to touch it before Fitz slaps my hand away. "Don't touch it! It could blow up or something!" I take a few steps back. Fitz pulls out his prototype drones, each named after a dwarf from Snow White.

"We're dealing with Tesseract technology here." He says after a few minutes. "Let's get it out of here." Jemma and I grab some tools and begin digging out the box.

A gun shot fires outside, and I instinctively duck down. "What's going on?" I ask Ward, who has been standing guard. "We're under attack." He replies before jumping outside into the fight.

It only lasts a couple minutes before Fitz, Jemma, and I emerge from the cave with the 0-8-4. Coulson is waiting for us with a woman. She has dark skin, and long black hair. Coulson introduces her as Camilla Reyes, and old friend.

We take her and her men back to the bus. I have a slightly uneasy feeling about her. I mean, can we trust someone who almost literally appeared out of the woodwork? No one else seems to agree with me.

Then, suddenly the men Reyes brought turn on us. I find myself launched into combat, trying to take on the three who were following me. I try and get through them, but the men are twice my size, and not injured. One lets me through briefly.the other knocks me out.

I wake up handcuffed to a bar by the cargo doors next to Jemma, Fitz, Ward, May, and New Girl. "Ow." I mutter, wanting to rub my head, which is throbbing. My knee feels like it's pulsing. Or maybe it's the other way around...

"What's going on?" I ask. "What's it look like?" Fitz says.

"Reyes' men turned on us." Ward explains.

"So how are we going to get out of here?" New Girl asks. There's a cracking sound. "I think May's already on that." Ward replies.

He's right. May dislocated her wrist in order to escape, and is in the process of helping release the rest of us. I attempt to stand, and fail badly. "Here." Jemma says, supporting me as we walk on. "Stay in the lab?" Ward orders me. Not having any other choice at the moment, I nod, and sit down to wait.

They walk off with the 0-8-4. I can hear the sounds of fighting, then suddenly, the plane jerks, and starts flying vertically. I try and hold on to a table for support, my fingers barely being able to hold.

The plane balances out. I'd imagine May has gotten to the controls. I pull up a camera feed on the screens, and see all Reyes' men tied up. Jemma comes back to get me. "Are you alright?" She asks. I nod. "Fine. My knee just hurts."  Jemma nods in reply, seeing I'm fine.

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