SHIELD Compound

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"Hey, Gordon, I'd like to take a trip back home for a little." I approach the no-eyed man I've come to know as Gordon.

"You'll have to ask Jiaying." Gordon says.

"I already did." I say. "She said yes."

"Are you sure?" Gordon doesn't believe me. "It's dangerous so soon after Terragenesis."

I slip into his mind, allowing it to be more susceptible to my request. "Of course. But I've got full control over my powers. I'll be fine."

Gordon sighs. "Where to?" I tell him the name of a small town in North Carolina. It's about five minutes away from the new SHIELD base. Gordon drops me off quickly, unknowing of my true intentions.

I walk to the SHIELD base. It isn't very far, or well guarded. I take note of this, but attribute it to the fact the base was only established a week ago. I get in very easily. Funny, if I were in charge of a top-secret base, security would be the first rotation I'd establish.

The agents' reactions are not exactly what I was expecting. I was expecting a fight. All I get are stares and dropped jaws. Honestly, that shouldn't surprise me. A couple of people come up to me, thanking me for the video message. It's hard to believe only a week ago, everything at the Triskelion happened. That just last week, my face was all over SHIELD airspace. That I was helping the Captain America.

"Rose," Coulson says, walking around a corner. "I have to say, I wasn't expecting to see you."

"I'm surprised, Coulson. One minute, you're helping me, the next I'm apparently some Hydra soldier. How could you have not expected me?" I reply.

"How'd you find us anyway?" Coulson asks. "Another time." I say. "How's the team been?"

"Everyone's fine, aside from the fact that Fitz almost died, is in a coma, and Ward turned out to be Hydra, everything's fine. But you'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Ward having been your SO and all." Coulson says, and I can tell he's bitter.

"Wait, Ward's Hydra?" I ask, very confused. "Don't lie to me, Coulson, I'll know."

"Then you know I'm not lying." Coulson says.

The world spins a bit. Ward is Hydra? Ward is Hydra? Is that even possible? I mean, I know he wasn't good with people, or anything, but Hydra? I think it's the first time this whole thing hasn't just seemed like some surreal dream.

"Ward is Hydra." I repeat softly, trying to figure it out. I look into Coulson's memories to confirm this. "It's true. Oh, gods, it's true."

"You didn't know?" Coulson asks.

"I thought we established this," I snap. "No, I didn't know! I'm not Hydra. And I'm pretty sure I'd know if my SO was as well!" Just stay focused. I tell myself. There will be time for this later. Stay focused on the goal.

"So what are you doing here, because it's obvious you came for something other than idle conversation." Coulson says. "What is it you want?"

"I want your help. I heard you had access to a machine to help access memories. I need to use it." I say, calming down.

"Absolutely not." Coulson says. "Oh really?" I reply, diving into his mind. "Can I use the memory machine?"

This time, the answer is "Sure."

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