The Berserker Staff

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Asgardians are truly annoying. Apparently, they don't have any sort of rules growing up, because apparently it's perfectly alright to come trash the planet (again) and then leave us to clean up.

This time it was Thor. Seriously, I'd expect a prince to behave better! Especially a hot one!

I dig through the rubble next to Skye, who grabs something odd and walks it over to Ward. Coulson's mentions something about Thor I don't catch, and Skye goes "He's dreamy."

May quickly agrees with her. Coulson shakes his head in disagreement. I get up and brush off my dirty hands. "Dreamy." I say. "Seriously, where can I get a Thor?"

"Way too old for you." Ward says as the team laughs. I frown. "Steve Rodgers then?"

"No!" The whole team replies in unison.

"Didn't you have a boyfriend?" Skye asks me after everyone goes back to work.

"Yeah." I reply. "Lucas Sanders. He was no where near as cute as Thor."

"What happened?" Skye asks.

"You know, I honestly can't remember." I reply, confused.

Coulson's phone rings. It's from some national first in Norway. Apparently some weirdos were cutting mythical trees. Within an hour, we're on site.

The tree is on its side, with an odd shaped hollow carved into it. Jemma climbs up and uses something to send Fitz the data to make a replica of whatever was inside.

In the mean time, the people who stole whatever was there have been causing havoc across Norway. The one news story I see showed a carving that they had left. It read "We are gods." in giant letters.

"What is it?" I ask Coulson. "Don't know." Coulson replies.

"Is it Asgardian?" I ask. "Most likely." Coulson says. "How's your knee holding up?"

"It's fine, I guess. I haven't really noticed." I realize. Coulson nods. "Good. With any luck, you could be back in the field soon."

Fitz has made a model. It's some kind of staff. Coulson is going to consult a real Asgardian for help.

After the meeting, he sends a team of us to Spain to find what is apparently another piece of the Berserker Staff. He says it is dangerous, and shows the darkest part of you.

It scares me. When Ward and Skye came back, it was as if they'd seen a ghost. Ward had a sort of angrier than usual look in his eye.

Our search leads us to a church. Unfortunately, we aren't the only people here. The crazy ones are as well. They have two pieces of the staff. One jumps out to attack us. Before I can tell what happened, I feel myself shoved behind a column in the church.

Ward and May are trying to fight them, but it looks like they're losing. Suddenly, Ward reaches out and grabs the Berserker Staff. Pure rage spreads over his face, and the tables turn. He's, winning, but May is losing. She grabs the staff as well, and both of them begin to gain the upper edge. Quickly, the two of them subdue the crazy people.

The Asgardian quickly reaches towards the Staff, only to be held off by Coulson. In the chaos that follows the crazy peoples' capture, I spot the staff lying to the side by itself. Curious, I begin to walk towards it.

Before I fully understand what's happening, my fingers wrap around the cold metal of the staff. At least, it's cold for a split second. Then, it feels burning hot, and I can feel rage searing throughout my blood. It doesn't last, quickly fading to a dull throbbing.

The screech of metal flashes through my ears, mixed with the terrible sound of metal crunching into a ball. I squeeze my eyes shut, and feel my knee bleeding again. I can feel metal crushed around me, and force myself to open my eyes.

I'm trapped. What looks like a car is crushed all around me. I hear a person stirring, and try to crawl to look. It's a blonde haired boy, probably about eighteen. I don't think he's awake.

Suddenly, the door is ripped off. All I see is a metal arm. It grabs my arms, and pulls me out of the car. I can tell by how hard he grabs me that it's not friendly. I catch a glimpse of his face. It's angry, with long, dark hair. I twist around, trying to break free, but my knee is acting up.

I managed to twist around to see the car. The blonde boy is actually awake. I can see him trying to pull himself from the wreckage of the car, a desperate look on his face. "Al-"

The boy is cut off as I am jolted from whatever that was. "Rose. Rose, are you alright? Rose!" I can hear someone murmuring. My head feels like someone blew it up. There is no metal beneath my fingers, nor is there a metal hand.

The voice becomes clearer. It's Coulson. My eyes slowly open, feeling wet from tears, I suspect.

The light feels blinding for a second. It takes me about a minute to figure out where I am. It's the lab on the bus. I'm lying on a medical table, feeling like someone used me as a punching bag. The whole team is standing around me. Everyone except Ward and May.

Seeing I'm awake, Coulson snaps "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I dunno." I murmur, my mind still murky. "It wanted me to." Above me, I can see looks being exchanged.

"This isn't some sort of joke." Coulson says. "You were compromised. What happened?"

The fog in my mind clears a bit more. "I was curious, and next thing I knew the staff was in my hand. What exactly happened to me?"

"You went into shock, and passed out." Jemma says. "Professor Randolph believes it was because of how young you are."

"I'm fifteen." I grumble, sitting up to find my head burning.

"And the staff was meant for people much older and Asgardian." Jemma reminds me.

"Did the staff happen to show you anything?" Coulson asks. I shake my head, the details becoming fuzzy by the second. He nods, but I doubt he believes me.

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