The Files

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"Seeing what?" I ask.

"All of this. Every SHIELD files is on the Internet." Skye says. "Before I do this, you should look yourself up."

I quickly search my name up. The first article that comes up reads "Government Calls for Capture and Arrest of Hydra Supersoldier."

"What?" I sat, momentarily forgetting I'm on the phone.

"You want to tell me what that's about?" Another voice comes on the phone. It's Coulson.

"Coulson, I swear, I don't know anything about this." I say, walking a bit faster.

"Yeah, I don't quite believe you." Coulson says. "Your file has a Level 10 classification on it, not redacted by Fury. The only other person with a clearance that high is Alexander Pierce, and he turned out to be Hydra."

"You think I'm not wondering myself why my file is so classified?" I snap. "I don't know! If I was really Hydra, do you think I would have helped Steve Rogers today? I met him today. If I were Hydra, wouldn't I have taken the shot?"

"I don't know anymore. Skye, delete any SHIELD files on Rose." Coulson says, then hangs up.

I look through the article. "The government has called for the arrest of Hydra Supersoldier Rose Brynn today. Brynn is a genetically enhanced Hydra weapon thought to be highly dangerous. This information comes after a major dump of SHIELD intelligence yesterday. If you see Brynn, call the number below." It reads.

"I'm not Hydra." I murmur, noticing the stares have become more panicked. A couple people have pulled out their phones, presumably calling the number. I estimate only a few minutes before someone gets here, and sprint as fast as I can out of there.

I reach a barricade of soldiers on the edge of town. "Stand down." One with a megaphone says. "Rose Brynn, you are under arrest for association with a terrorist organization, as well as murder. Put your hands where I can see them and lay any weapons on the ground."

I reach back for my gun. "Please," I start. "I'm not who you think I am. I'm not Hydra, I swear."

"Weapons on the ground." The soldier says. I bend down to follow his orders.

There's a flash, and a man is now standing next to me. He has no eyes, and we are both surrounded by a blue force field of sorts. "Come with me if you want to be safe." He says, extending a hand. I quickly take it, and Washington D.C. Fades from view.

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