The Dream and the Cell

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The room is dark. I can't see anything. I feel around for a wall, a light switch, something, and only find cold metal walls. Correction, I'm in a cell.

I pound on the walls, screaming "Let me out!" There is no answer. After a while, a sink down and begin to cry. No one's coming for me. Why not? Why am I even here? How long have a been here? Each new moment raises new questions, and I have no answers.

I feel a poke in my back, and everything goes black. It feels like a few minutes, but when I wake up, the first thing in my head is so very odd. Who am I?

The dream suddenly changes. It's an old orphanage that I lived in, back in London. The kids run around me, as if I don't even exist. I see the head of the orphanage walking towards me. "Rose!" She exclaims in a very angry tone. "Absolutely not! You're not allowed to skip school!"

"But it's boring!" The words escape my mouth without my consent. "I know everything already!"

"Well, just deal with it!" The head responds. "You'll need an education if you ever want to find a home, and I do not just mean getting adopted."

"I never had a home anyway." I murmur, and it echoes back to me from a million places, a million voices. I never had a home anyway.

And then I wake up, and the cold metal cell is completely forgotten.

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