The Mist

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"Remember, every ability is different. We won't know until emerge from the Mist. Don't panic. I'll be right there." Jiaying reminds me. Today I go through the Mist.

I decided to go through the Mist because whatever abilities I have, maybe they could be used to prevent things like the fall of SHIELD in the first place. That feeling of helplessness on the banks of the Potomac, I never want to feel that again.

"Are you ready?" Jiaying asks me. I nod in reply. "See you on the other side."

Jiaying breaks the Terragin crystal. The room fills with Mist, though I'd describe it more as smoke. It fills my lungs, and surrounds me. I can feel it solidifying into the cocoon Jiaying described. I can feel myself losing movement, but the only time it occurs to me that I really should panic is when my eyes start to blur and the world fades away.

But it only fades for a moment before the cocoon explodes off my skin. I don't feel any different. I take a look at my hands. They don't look any different.

I step outside the Transformation Room. Jiaying is waiting for me. "How do you feel?" She asks. "Shockingly normal." I reply. "Good." Jiaying says warmly. "It means you're adjusting well."

The normal lasts until we reach a group of kids. Then, voices fill my head, banging against my skull. I put a hand to my head. "Jiaying, they won't stop talking." I say. "What won't stop?" Jiaying asks. "The voices in my head." I say.

"Focus on my voice." Jiaying says. "Try and ignore anything else." I try and do as she says, and the voices only dim a bit. "Shut up!" I exclaim. The voices suddenly stop. "Well, that worked." I say.

Jiaying looks at me curiously. "The voices in your head faded when you ordered them to?" She asks. I nod. "Rose, I think you just discovered your gift."

"What is it?" I ask eagerly. "I believe you can control the will of others through telepathy." Jiaying says. "You got that all from one instance?" I ask. "Look around." Jiaying guestures to the courtyard, which has fallen completely silent. "I did that?" I squeak. Jiaying nods.

I decide to try something and focus on one boy. Get me a sandwich. I think. He walks off and reappears with a sandwich in his hand. "Thanks." I say, turning to Jiaying. "I think I like this."

"It's important to remember not to abuse your power." Jiaying says. "Our abilities are a gift, and gifts do come with restrictions."

"I know." I reply, eager to start learning how to control these new powers, to make them grow.

Because these new powers are going to find out exactly what Hydra did to me.

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