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My dreams over the next few weeks are odd, with no sort of sense to them. Some nights it's the cell again. Some nights, it's a mansion. The only thing consistent is the message: I never had a home. It's always there, always repeated in the echo-ey voices.

Tonight is different. I wake up this time on a cold metal table, not unlike an Operating Table. Panic sets in instantly, and I try to fight the bonds holding me on.

"What's going on?" I try to say, but my voice no longer works. "Help me!" My mouth moves,  but the only sound for miles is metal wheels on cold floorings. 

Blurred shapes emerge. I can vaguely hear words. "Let me up!" I want to scream. Wake up. I think, knowing that I'm actually safe in my bed on the bus. It doesn't help. I can still feel all the panic, all the cold. Wake up! I don't want to be here anymore.

"Let me go home." The words try to escape for some reason. I don't have a home. The whispery voices are returning. I can see the dream blurring with a bluish glow, and for once, I try and force my eyes to stay open. It confuses me. I think only that if I close my eyes, something terrible will happen to me.

But my eyes close anyway.

The bus is still empty when I wake up. I decide to look something up. These dreams seem to vivid to be just dreams. Maybe the SHEILD database will have something.

The computer screen pulls up an files on me. I'm surprised at the number. The first has all my basic information. Rose Brynn, age 15, blah, blah, blah. I dismiss the file.

The second file holds much more interest. The entire file has been marked out, even down to the name, with a Redacted stamp over it. Above the Redacted stamp, a Level 10 classification.

At that moment, I hear the cargo doors open, and quickly clear any search history. That file had to be about me. I only told the computer to show my files on me.

So why am I Level 10 classification?

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