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I stay with Rogers until someone finds us. It almost worries me that I haven't heard from the team. Last I heard they were at the Hub. Hopefully, my message got through. When this is over, I'll call Skye again.

The agents who find us doesn't question anything, he just loads Rogers onto a stretcher. Seeing me uninjured, I just get on the plane they came in. "Has there been any word from the Hub?" I ask the team's captain. She shakes her head. "Most SHIELD facilities have fallen. I don't know exactly which held. I do know a team from the Hub was sent to take Hydra prisoners to the Cube, and they were overpowered. You got friends there?"

"My SO and Academy friends." I reply quietly.

"You're the girl from the video message aren't you?" Another agent asks. I nod. "We came from another facility in New Jersey to help. Your message might've saved a lot of our team." He says gratefully.

"I was just under his orders." I point to Rogers.

"A good thing you followed through." The team lead says.

They drop Cap and I off at the hospital. I turn to leave when none other than Natasha Romanoff stops me. "Thanks." She says. "I heard what you did, getting the message to everyone."

"I was just under orders." I reply. Normally, I'd be nervous, but the world's fallen apart. There's no room for that anymore.

"Even so, lots of agents were able to get out fast." Romanoff says.

"Have you heard any news from the Hub?" I decide to ask. "My friends were all there."

"Last I heard, the Hub was under SHIELD control, not Hydra." Romanoff says.

"Thanks." I say, slightly disappointed. I turn to leave.

"Before you go," Romanoff calls after me. "You may want lay low for a bit. The world isn't very understanding right now."

"I'll keep that in mind." I say, walking out of the hospital.

The first thing I notice is the stares. The minute I leave the hospital, everyone on the street turns and stares at me as if I were an alien. I blame it on the fact that I'm a SHIELD agent, if SHIELD still exists, and keep walking.

"Skye, hey." I say, calling her.

"Rose," she says, and I can hear something odd in her voice. "Are you seeing this?"

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