BTS Dance Practice Videos

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okay first i have nothing against their dance practice videos i love watching them over and over they make my day especially the silly ones. BUtt people keep asking them to upload more????because they aren't busy enough???????and there aren't hundreds on youtube??????

Like give them a break for christ sake  

Since they keep getting more and more fans and attention everyday they're pretty busy with their schedules and shit and they still have to write and produce songs because BTS is one of those groups that write some of their own songs (have you heard dead leaves or whalien 52 like that's the shit i love it)

they're probably working on their dance rn as we speak like they're working so hard everyday every member is giving us their best and that's respectable as fuck so

they just have a lot of shit to do and if you keep demanding for them to do shit you're being pretty goddamn selfish and rude. we're pretty damn lucky because underrated groups have videos that are hard to find and there aren't that many or many subbed so be glad you picked a group that gives us videos pretty much everyday/week 

just stop being selfish


the main point in this book is for people to stop being selfish and stop asking for so much out of our boys so there will be many variations of this

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