Dating Jimin....

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♡ the relationship would be very playful

♡ he'd be charming as hell

♡ he;d be constantly thinking of ways to make you laugh, feel special and just in heaven 

♡ skinship is a must

♡ always holding your hands, kissing your cheek, cuddles

♡ he'd be very romantic

♡ he'd be a caring shoulder to cry on

♡ constantly teasing you about something

♡ flirty comments always thrown back and forth between your two

♡ coming up behind you and sweeping you off your feet

♡ he'd be a little clingy

♡ all attention would be on each other 24/7

♡ playing with your hair when he gets bored

♡ always kissing you where you're most insecure about

♡ him playfully teasing you when he's needy


jimin seems like the touchy feely kinda boyfriend 

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