Get Your Life Together Girl

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(or guy)

okay i know yoongi said those cute little "keep your ring finger for us" and "armys who date are cheating on us" like it's suppose to be cute and shit like yoongi is don't take it seriously

honestly this is something you learn with age and experience but there's a high chance you won't marry your idol

your idol is not yours to keep okay. you share them with the world. they are their own being let them live how they want. they are not reserved for you

i know i annoy my friends sometimes with non stop talking about bts but don't drive away your friends because of kpop okay? Kpop is forever alright, it's not leaving anytime soon so don't worry about it. your friends rn are going to help you get through school or whatever even if you don't really like them rn but trust me having someone you kinda like is better than not having anyone at all. especially in high school even if your only friends are teachers or staff that's chill too because they can help you and idk about your teachers but my librarian friend is always up for listening to stuff going on in my life that's stressful or nice 

honestly don't lose your friendship even if it's new or long lasting over some boy group. okay BTS brightens my day everyday i love them so much but it's nice to have actual friends that you can touch and listen to and talk with about school and struggles

this isn't meant to be scolding or shit or to bring you down but some of us need to mature and realize our idols are most likely going to marry someone that's not us and if one of us is ever lucky then goddamn you won the lottery

but for real it's nice to think about your idols and to love and cherish them and if you're like me and you consider them family that's cool too but don't ruin real life relationships over something as small as an obsession.

last thing though if your friends are being hella shitty to you about kpop then dump them. i'm a no tolerance person if you're shitty it's done, over, gone. don't hang out with shitty people that make fun of stuff you like and constantly put you down.


i'm lucky af most of my friends don't mind kpop and kinda like bts but if you're not i'm sorry and i'll be your friend for kpop

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