Dating Jungkook......

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♡ him rubbing his nose against yours

♡ sharing earphones together

♡ sending each other songs you just found and like

♡ meme wars ! ! !

♡ him attempting to draw your portrait 

♡ and him refusing to show you because "it doesn't capture your beauty"

♡ late night walks

♡ making dubsmash videos together

♡ teasing each other on twitter

♡ posting derpy/fetus pictures of each other

♡ constantly making fun of each other; but it's out of love

♡ you doing his rap in 'we are bulletproof pt. 2'

♡ and his rap in 'no more dream'

♡ when he's asked his ideal type he says you

♡ play fighting

♡ him forgetting about time zone difference and calling you during school/work or at 3 a.m

♡ going out of his way to make you luagh

♡ debating over which movie to watch

♡ him not talking to you for a couple days because you said you like captan amercia more than iron man

♡ after 'forgiving' you he'll showering you in hugs/kisses/cuddles 

♡ him being all touchy and clingy when you're alone but the second someone come in the room he's shy and embarrassed 

♡ lots of piggy back rides

♡ him carrying your bags whenever you go shopping

♡ him making you watch all parts of 'Iron Man' together in one sitting

♡ jamming to BigBang songs together

♡ him trying to teach you martial arts "just incase something happens to you and i can't protect you"

♡ him noticing when you change your perfume/shampoo/bodylotion

♡ and telling you which one is his favorite

♡ and you only using the one he likes lmao

♡ lots of back hugs 


awe this one was cute :3

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